Mae tallik part 4

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I i i i can't wait t t to get out of this r r r r r room *the man walks in room* fina l l l ly.H h he asked m m me who i wa wa was and wher r r re i came from i t t told him m m m m my na m me is mae t tallick a a and my home p p planet is n n novi 13.7 b b b b billon years o old he said this isnt a game you and your little band of misfits stop trying to mess with the goverment.I sai o o o ok Mr.go o o verment s ser (i i i in a mean sarc c castic way) i w w wasnt mes ssing with him also he needs to see a siciatrist cuz he's mental with anger issues.H h he left t the r room and s starte ed talking t t t to himself agai n n.I waited about 5 m m m minutes b but it felt like a m m m mulene eum at least he's trying to calm him self down.He h h had a cup s s s steeming liquid i b b beleve it is c c called co f fe.He a d d deep breath and s s said I dont beleave in this planet you made up and i do not beleave you are 12.7 ba ba billion eather-i said I i i it's 13.7 billi i ion a a and t there is n n nothing w w wrong with t t the way i t t talk i its not my falt t t that Meti Tallick h has a metallic v v voice modulator a a and i d dont!!!I c c c can't beleve h h h how people can j judge people before they know who they are its not fair i want to be the biggest popstar but Meti gets the metallic voice modulator she doesnt even try to be a popstar yet she would rather rub her beautaful voice in my fase how dare him even bring it up maby i'am the one with isues i'll have to work on that when i find my tool box.The man then said wacth your tonge young lady *i stuck out my tonge and started wacthing it* anyways like your freinds you will be tranceported to a school and-.i interupted and said Is t t that so m me sorta e e earth prizion.the man told me sorta.

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