chapter 1🌺

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Assalamualaikum, my name is Aisha Muhammad el  sahabi,i am hausa/fulani from jigawa state,i am light skinned and very pretty,my dad is hausa and my mum is fulani from Maiduguri.

I am 20 years old and i am a twin,we are so identical but our behaviours are very different,i am a very calm and reserved person,i don't talk unnecessarily,and i don't believe in love while my sister is a no- nonsense person,you won't go scott free if you mess with her or me,she is very social and believes in love,she has two men in her life  while i don't even have a male friend (well i kind of have a few but we are not very close ,the only males i talk to are my brothers and close cousins.

The one thing we have in common is that we both love our family and i love my sister very much and she loves me even more than i do,we care about our family and are ever ready to let go of something that can come in between us.

Zainab loves fashion and glam,i love it too but i don't really do it all the time,i can go out without make-up but zainab will die before she goes out without make-up.

We are 11 in our family.

Alhaji Muhammad El Sahabi is our father,he is a very wealthy man who gives us everything we want. Our father is a member of the royal family of jigawa state.

Hajia Hauwa Nasir is our mum, she is the nicest person i have ever known and will ever know, i got my calm and generous nature in fact i should have been her twin(lol)she is from a well known family in maiduguri, she is the most beautiful woman even at her age. (Enough of my mum).

Ya Aminu is our eldest brother,he is married to a lawyer( ya Asmau) and they have three kids(amir, amnah and amjad). They live kano.

Ya Aasim is our second elder brother, he is also married and to a kanuri lady, adda Nadia and they have two kids (sabira and baby fahad). They live in abuja.

Yaya habib is our elder brother from daddy's second wife. He was born 10 months after abba got married to his mum, (ya muslimat) and she died two months later due to some problems no one has told us about. Ever since then he grew up knowing mommy as his mum and we all treated him exactly the same way we treated ya aminu and Aasim. He is a pilot and he got married to a fulani lady from adamawa. She is a blogger and they live in lagos.

Ya Fadila is our elder sister, she got married to a fulani man yaya mustapha babangida and their little baby is sabreen.

Aisha and Zainab Muhammad El Sahabi, we are the twins of the house, we are both done with school and about to pursue our masters abroad but we both want to go to different countries so that is why we have still not left. We are still young so abba has not started talking about marriage.

Muhammad abba is our  brother,he is called abba because he bears same name with our dad, he is 19 years old and schools in Nile university (law).

Zainul abideen is the last boy in ss3, he is very quiet and can be lousy too.

Tanzeel  is our baby sister and mummy's baby,  she is in js3. She is also as calm as i am but can be as short tempered as zainab.

These are the members of my family, we are all fair and so Masha Allah. So many times i and zainab have won awards like most beautiful,most elegant,most fashioned and so on and also in our respective courses. I have received awards like best in maths and many other science courses while zainab received best in architecture.

In my family we care about one another and for celebrations, we celebrate together and we don't fight one another, abba and umma made sure to raise us in a way that we support each other and always have the best interest of our siblings at heart. Anytime we had issues with zainab then umma made sure to settle us.

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