Rainy Day With Angry Pomeranian

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You groaned as you plopped to your bed. Aizawa was giving you no mercy for today's class and has given you several homeworks. Not to mention you also have to finish you class work for spacing out in class.

I mean all you hear was in class is Aizawa's monotone voice. The sound of chalk sliding on the board. Pens skimming across their own notebooks.

You let your pen flow on your notebook as its writing your notes from the board absentmindedly. You figured to just review it at home and figure it out yourself since your brain could not process what Aizawa's teaching.

The clouds outside started gathering, covering the sun. As you continued gliding your pen on your notebook.

Until you caught a flash of light at the corner of your eyes. You stopped momentarily to look at it. Making sure it's not one of Kamanari's or grape heads's mischiefs.

As you eyed, them their eyes were squinting at the board and slightly leaning over their desk. Well at least kamanari was.

The long-ago-spoiled grape just have his head up with dreamy eyes, drools coming out of his mouth. 'disgusting' you grimace.

Although they were not the ones that cause the light flash earl-

Before you could wonder. A soft grumble followed by a 'boom!' were heard from outside as the clouds became darker than before. You gave out a soft "eek!" Not expecting the sudden sound.

To your relief, everyone was focused on their lesson and didn't hear a thing from you. Well at least is what you thought.

The person behind you gave out a smirk when you began staring blankly out the window. Hand on your cheek. Long forgotten notes on the board that need to be known.

And here you are staring your 'need to be done by tomorrow' works as Aizawa put it.

You cursed at yourself for getting distracted with the aesthetic outside in class. You dragged yourself off your bed to your desk and put on lofi on to put you in the mood to finish this 'need to be done by tomorrow' fast.

"Finally‼" You sighed. You stretch put your arm over your head and plopped you head on the table.

You hadn't realize the sounds of water droplets outside while you're doing you work to turn in for tomorrow.

You closed you eyes as you listen intently on the sounds of the rain and music (lofi) goes together. You let your body relax temporarily.

You then zoomed out to you umbrella and yell out to your mom that you're just gonna buy something. When really you just want to take a walk out the rain.

"Bring your umbrella and get home fast‼" She gave yelled back. You replied with "hai" while you put on your boots.

You strolled around the park.

It was empty.

Everyone got in shelter to avoid getting wet. All you hear was droplets of water hitting your umbrella and on the ground. Foot steps of people jogging for shelter.

You love rainy days because of this. The relaxing sensation of moisture. The droplets let out small sounds as it bounces and hitting you.

Plus, rainy days enhances your quirk. Your more aware of your surroundings because of the rain and moisture. You can feel someone or something in the water's  range.

You feel people around the park flee to prevent from getting wet while you on the other hand, wants to get wet.

You paused on the edge of the sidewalk to savor this peaceful moment. You let you eyelids drop and ease your body.

You put the head up while taking a deep breath.

You felt someone familiar heading your way thanks to the puddles around the park. Their steps heavy as they are throwing a silent tantrum.

You focused on the puddles around them further to feed your curiosity on their identity. With your eyes still closed you used the water droplets that landed on them as you try to figure who's this person.

You felt their body is well built up and about 5"5 feet tall. Hair stick out as if they were spikes. And definitely a male, you pursed you lips at this as you accidentally felt "that".

You guess this was Bakugou who smirked at you earlier from the fact that you gave out a squeak.

His hair helped you with his identity since he's the only one in your with natural spiky hair.

Sure, Kirishima has also spiky hair too, but you can feel amount of gel he used to get his hair like that. Like lots lots of gel. You even wonder how much gel he has and how much he has to spend to put his style his hair like that on the daily basis.

However, this might not be him because he's not the only one in the world who has natural spiky hair.

You hear vague of incoherence words coming your way indicating the person you guessed was Bakugou.

His grumble was cut off as he spotted you. Head slightly up with eyes closed. With an umbrella hovering you. Your hair and clothes somewhat  damp for staying in the rain for too long.

His crimson eyes peer further to your pleasant face. 'How does one look so good with moist drizzly hair hugging their face in the rain?' He awed.

You two stayed like this for a while. Waiting for each other's next move.

In order to get things interesting, you raised an arm towards you. This pique an interest to the explosive boy.

You began to elegantly swinging your arm around as the small puddles from the ground started to lightly dance with the music you carol.

the sound of your voice calmed the tempered boy.

To commence the real show, you danced with the water that arise farther from the ground. Those piercing red eyes is now gawking at the sight before him.

While he's guard is down purposefully splash water on him. It took everything of you not to laugh as you act surprise as he howled


With you hand smashed to your mouth eyes wide to specify shock. Though you couldn't help to bursted out with laughter at the sight of him.

His clothes that he tried so hard not to get damp is now completely drenched. You prevented from getting his plastic bag from getting wet though, and he notices that.

However, your eyes is now in tears from the fact that his hair was down temporarily and came out with a 'poof' again. You clutched on your stomach to preventing from falling to the ground.

His eyes is now sharper than usual, body slouched and twitching. You could hear a low growl from him. 'oh sh*t...' you cursed

"I'LL KILL YOU‼," He threatened as he started sprinting towards you.

"WAIT! WAIT! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY" you yelled between laughs as you ran for your life.

The rain has stopped and now formed a rainbow above as you ran for the love of you life with an angry Pomeranian  chasing you.

What a indeed peaceful day.

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