Chapter 11

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Ryujin's POV
Next day comes by so fast and now I'm in the student council office trying to figure out what to do later for the club. "Arghhh" I said a bit frustrated. "Anything wrong?" Yuna ask I nodded. 

"I can't seem to get ideas for later" I said because a certain someone was in my mind all day and lets just say it wasnt my boyfriend.

Which is definitely wrong but can you blame me? She's just her but she makes me feel this confusing feelings something that I never felt with my boyfriend. The bell then rings indicating that lunch was now finish. "I have to go I got exams today" I said taking my bag as I bid farewell to them.

Your POV
"So that what happened to my arm" I said making seulgi sigh. "You really like ryujin" She says smiling at me. I blushed harshly shaking my head.

"Well yeah as a f-friend nothing more" I said trying to hide my blush with my jacket. "Sure Y/N I believe you" She says sarcastically making me roll my eyes as I tried to calm down.

Like her? HELL NO she has a boyfriend plus she's gonna kill me if she knew that I rejected felix her friend. I sighed heavily as the teacher comes in we immediately  greeted her.

The class then starts and it is as always boring as fuck.

The time seems to be going slowly but luckily I survived the class I was asked with many questions as I enter every class I had on my schedule today.

Like what happened to my arm thats why in the end I just wore a jacket I don't like talking with people that much. 

The end of classes happened as if a day already passed and now I got free time because I don't have practice today.

Tomorrow tho I'll be very busy. I decided to go where seulgi's club was the dance club. I dance on my free time but that's just it I dont join competitions or anything.

I look through the window to see ryujin teaching the class. I widened my eyes surprised she was teaching the class.

Aren't teachers suppose to teach the clubs well this school just went from weird to interesting if ryujin and the principal are together then what more with student and teachers. I heard the door open as I tried acting like I was just checking up on the club.

"Y/N what are you doing here?"  ryujin asks looking at me with a confused look. "I was just passing by" I lied I was a very excellent liar but I was surprised she saw through my lie.

"Tell me what you're really doing here? don't you have baseball practice?" She says as I shook my head looking away from her. My heart was beating rapidly I just wanted to get out of here but at the same time I wanna talk more it's confusing me even more.

Quick think of something. "I don't have baseball practice today I was just wondering if you wanna walk home again?" I asked we both blushed she's so cute blushing.

"Sure wait for me? I have to head back" She says smiling at me trying to hide her blush which is obvious that it didn't work.

"Yeah see you then" I said smiling back at her she waves goodbye as she goes back to the room. "Y/N see me in my office" I heard the principal behind me say and that's when I broke into cold sweat.

Oh god am I possibly in trouble. I followed the principal to his office as we both sat down. "Let's get straight to the point do you like my girlfriend?" He says looking at me intently.

I widened my eyes trying my best to stay calm. "N-no" I stuttered at this point I wanted to rip my tongue out. "Then explain this" He says showing me pictures of me carrying ryujin back to my house.

I suddenly had the guts to talk. "She was drugged that time and you weren't even there what kind of boyfriend are you for leaving a girl with another guy? unless you just want to have sex with her she's not a sex toy that you can just have fun with you disgusting bastard" I said and as expected he has thrown a punch on my face.

He was very mad I can tell. "That's all you can do" I threaten standing my ground glaring at him. "Spying on your girlfriend is one way to say you don't trust her" I said and then I was met with another punch.

My arm was injured and I have no intention of fighting this weakling. "I love ryujin" He says while I chuckled touching the bruise he made he thrown some nice jabs.

"You love her? or What you feel is pure lust? because that's two different things you should know that you're the principal afterall" I said smirking he then pins me to the ground as he continues punching me.

I kept my smirk. "Wipe that smirk off your fucking face" He says punching me again this time my mouth was dripping with blood. "Yes keep punching me let's see if you don't end up in j-" I got cut off by him punching me again.

I chuckled weakly as he finally realize what he's done. "Poor you I wonder what ryujin will say if she saw this" I said standing up I felt dizzy but I can handle.

"I'll go first I don't wanna be in the same room with a dirty perverted mother fucker"  I said hiding my face with a hoodie. I can take care of this once I go home.

"Y/N?" I heard ryujin say. I prevented myself from looking at her. "let's go?" I asked and there we started walking not long after she saw the side of my face that had a black eye.

She stops me taking off my hoodie that was covering my face with a worried look plastered in her face. "What happened?" She asked while I just smiled at her.

"This is nothing" I said as I tried walking again but she held my wrist stopping me from walking. "What happened?" She repeated. 

"I got into a fight nothing special lets go" I said keeping my smile I manage to convince her as we continued walking again.

"You should know that it's not good if you get into fights daily you might die for all we know" She says glancing at me. "I'm not scared of death if I die then I die" I said like it was nothing.

I've been through worst so this mini fights is nothing. I ended up walking her in front of her house. I wanna tell ryujin that her boyfriend is using her but I'm scared yeah me that isn't really scared of anything is vulnerable with ryujin.

"Well now you know where I live you wanna head inside?" She asks I look around before shaking my head. "I'll see you tomorrow" I said and just then I realize we were holding hand.

We both blushed as I wave goodbye to ryujin. "Get home safe Y/N don't get into fights" She says before unlocking her door. "Copy that" I said jokingly saluting her.

She just chuckled. "Uh by the way" I blurted out I want to tell her as she stops her tracks we made eye contact the air was suddenly so heavy.

"Nevermind" I said smiling at her she walks up to me smiling. "When you're ready to tell me please do you can trust me" She says she then leans forward as I froze on my spot.

She places a kiss on my cheek before running back inside her house after. I blushed harshly putting my hand on the cheek she kissed.

What the fuck was that. I smiled unconciously this day went better than expected.

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