School chronicals part 4

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Happened two years ago but is i my mind now but is still on my mind. If you noticed i named some things school chronicles. I was really just gonna name them Justin chronicles but like this is the only one about Justin. And like now at this point idgaf if they find me. Like bitch what are you gonna do? Kill me? Cause if so that is really uncalled for you did it. Now you gotta live wit it.

Okay so it was the first day of seventh grade year not even hour one and ive made a friend. I've done all i needed to do for the year. So like me and her are talking and I'm like damn this bitch is fun. But like we talking I'm catching vibes and getting a back massage from my other friend. (Aka she punched my back) but we was talking and stuff and then we saw people at the door. And i look up and I'm like "ain't that the dude who failed third grade" and girl who's giving me a "massage",imma call her Cadence, she been going to school with me since kindergarten and she like "yes that's Justin" and I'm like "oof" and continued on with life. Then we had an assembly like a start of the year assembly and I'm like "idrgaf" so I'm with my new friend,we gone call her kaley ,and we talking and then Justin was like "aye can you move a lil bit" I'm like "sure" and then Kevin's like "wow you're being nice" I'm like "omg Kevin you're right this isn't me" so i moved back and like i heard my name so I'm like "bish i heard my name" she  just like shrugged her shoulders and I'm like "meh" so like skip a lot of the day cause like nun happened in second and i didn't have third or fourth with them so it's after lunch and we're in line and our teacher was telling up where to go and i think he thought i was a boy cause he sat me with them and the conversation was like "okay you sit with the group of boys" I'm like "with cadence? She's not a boy " he's like "no with the boys" so i was like "ok I'll be alright" and like i sat down and I'm like writing on my colorful index cards cause they were a vibe. And like i feel someone looking at me. Omg did i mention. In the group of boys was fucking Justin. And i feel his short ass looking at me so at this point kaley was sitting next to the dud diagonal from me so we passing notes and shizz and then i was like "i hello what do you want" hes like  "nothing" I'm not finna fucking lie. Justin was cute. He was like mix or Latino or sum. Whatever it was it was cute but a bish is was not looking for love at the moment she was looking for the answer to these mf questions. So i kept working and the teacher was talking and i can still feel him looking at me and I'm like "

 So i kept working and the teacher was talking and i can still feel him looking at me and I'm like "

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" and he's like "i like you" and i laughed. Cause lemme tell you why. Yes i am pretty. Yes he was cute. No i did not want him. Yes. He was stupid. The dude failed the 3rd fucking grade we had the same teacher she was so fucking nice and the class wasn't hard. Lemme tell you why he failed. The boy sit ever heard of
"sityostupidassdownbeforeyougetsuspended" he got suspended so fucking much that i didn't know he existed untill the next year when everyone was in fourth grade but him. But yeah and then like two minutes later he was like "my cousin likes you" I'm like "who's your cousin" he's like "tj" I'm like "whos tj" ⏸ i knew exactly who tj was. First off he was short and second off my friend talked about him all the time and I'm like okay i ship you shorties ▶️ he was like "I'll show you in the hall." We get in the hall. He is nowhere to be seen so I'm like bet i still don't care. So we get to sixth and our math teacher. Is wearing a dress. A short white mf dress. Like "look at my boobies" on top and "aww I'm just an innocent flower girl" on the bottom. Yes those exist. Don't ask. But he showed up late and I'm like "dumbass" so dude was hitting on the teacher. Now i had no problem with her at the time. And she was like "here's my number if anyone ever needs help" I'm like "she want this shit to be one of those case catching pornos" in the back of my head. But i looked at her. Cause i sat in the front and i was like "don't do this to yourself do you see these boys." You look over and they looking at her how my dog looks at a bone while growing their tiny little boners and she's like "it'll be fine" i looked back at my friends like "i tried you see that right." But yeah that class happen she told us to come up with a class name i got yelled at by the whole class cause they knew i was finna say sum bout chicken nuggets. And then at the end of class home girl is like "i like justin" and I'm just like "

umm okay girl" then i was like "ooooo can i tell him" she's like "no" after begging i got a yes

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umm okay girl" then i was like "ooooo can i tell him" she's like "no" after begging i got a yes. Then i was like "TJ! TJ!TJ! T-motherfucking-J" the he look up and was like "Thats not my name" I'm like "ohh shit." Looked up for a second "JUSTIN! JU-motherfucking-stin" he like "WHAT" I'm like "she likes you" and we dipped. Then next day he had to go to sixth grade for the day then when he came back he got put in a less advanced class

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