Chapter 1 : Who are you?

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They are three things you need to know before you read this. Firstly, this story is real and I'm not making this up. I'm not supposed to tell anybody, heck I'm not even supposed to remember it. Secondly, I will not reveal my identity, you will only know basic and generic things about me. Third, If you are reading this...You're next. There's no turning back. Whether you choose to continue to read is your choice but your fate will still stay the same...maybe.

Let me explain. About a month ago, I stayed at a hotel because my friends decided they wanted to book a fancy and luxurious hotel for my birthday. I stayed there for 4 days and 3 nights. Overall, it was a pleasant experience but something happened on the day I was checking out. I stayed on the 7th floor, and I was waiting outside of the elevator to go to the lobby. Four other people were waiting for the elevator as well.

A man with black hair with white streaks, in a suit wearing a luxurious watch, he had sunken brown eyes and fair skin, A beautiful woman who had long dark brown hair, almond shaped dark brown eyes, fair skin and she was wearing a red dress, A young boy in a hoodie. He had curly black hair, large brown eyes, and chocolate coloured skin and he was looking at his phone, and a little girl with long curly light brown hair, big light blue eyes, she was wearing a white dress with a pink jacket and she had fair skin.All of them had suitcases including myself except the little girl.

The doors open, inside the spacious elevator, had an old man with a white beard, he was bald and wrinkly and he was wearing a suit. He smiled at us and gestured for us to walk in. As we were all walking in, I noticed that he looked like he was analyzing us, looking at us from head to toe. We all got in with our suitcases, again except the little girl.

"Level 1, please." Said the man in the suit to the old man as he was the closest to the elevator door buttons. He took another good look at all of us.

The old man smiled once again and instead of pressing the level 1 button he pressed the emergency button! The elevator immediately stopped, letting us in the elevator to almost fall.

"What the-" said the man in the suit before being interuppted.

"So, I bet you guys are wondering why I've gathered you here." Said the old man.

Everyone, including the boy looking at his phone turned to look at the old man.

"What are you talking about?" Asked the woman with in a puzzled expression.

The little girl's eyes turned from excitement to fear, she looked like a scared puppy. Everyone including myself were confused. The man in the suit kept saying he had a flight to catch, he sounded frustrated. For some reason, the woman, the little girl and the boy were silent. Including myself, I'm a pretty outspoken person, I wouldn't mind telling the old man off but... I didn't, I just stood there. The man kept rambling on and on until the old man interuppted him once again and asked

"are you done?" The room suddenly went quiet.

"Alright then, the reason I gathered you here is because you all were going to die today but-"

"WHATT?!!?" Everyone including myself shouted the same thing. At this point, I assumed he was crazy, yet I wanted to know more.

The little girl shouted "Sir please don't kill me, I swear I didn't eat the cookies last night!" She spoke while tears start to well up in her eyes.

The woman immediately went to comfort her.

"Oh, child I'm not here to kill you, as I was about to say before I was rudely interuppted. I'm here to save you from being killed. That's my job,But the thing is there is a rule I cannot break and that is I can't give you too much information about the present. Well past, still not sure about that... It's complicated. The point is you need to find out who killed you! or else you all are never leaving this elevator." Explained the old man.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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