Chapter 17: Tsunade's Truth Bombs

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Chapter 17: Tsunade's Truth Bombs

He shouldn't have lashed out at Takuto like a maniac. Naruto sighed. He was going to have to apologize to the boy next time he saw him. He didn't know what had come over him, but the thought of introducing Hinata to Takuto had triggered something in him.

His steps slowed as he walked up the stairs to the hospital entrance. He could see them through the glass doors. Hinata and her sister were sitting on the chairs in the waiting room. There were a couple of small bandages on Hanabi's cheeks.

Naruto entered the doors, but they were in deep conversation so they hadn't spotted him yet. He quickly ducked behind a wall, one of those glass ones that wasn't completely clear. He could only see their hazy images, but he could clearly make out Hinata's hands picking at the leaves and small twigs stuck in her sister's hair.

They were talking about the recent chuunin exams that had been postponed because Konoha and the stadium had to be rebuilt. Naruto had forgotten that it was around this time that the tests were usually held. He strained to hear their conversation. His heart gave a happy leap when he heard the clear tones of her voice.

"...good news! I'm so proud of you! You guys were the third team to come in with the scrolls," Hinata was saying. "Shino said you were great during the second round. Lots of smart decisions and very quick thinking when faced with obstacles. Do you know who you're facing in the third round?"

"Konohamaru," Hanabi said with relish, making her opinion of the boy clear.

"Konohamaru!" Hinata repeated with dismay. Her voice turned teasing. "He's such a sweet boy! I've always liked him. Now I don't know who to root for."

"Onee-sama!" yelled Hanabi. "Now you've just made me more determined to beat him to a bloody pulp!"

"That's what I'm afraid of. You never know how to hold back because you're so bloodthirsty! Poor Konohamaru."

Hanabi giggled.

Hinata laughed then brushed at the lock of hair that had fallen over her sister's eyes. She gave her sister a squeeze. "But Hanabi, do your best. That's all that matters."

"I know! And I'm going to win! I'll show you."

Somebody else then came to talk to them, but he couldn't hear what the other person said. Naruto then heard chairs scraping as they stood up. He realized that they were done at the hospital and were going home.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here at the hospital tonight, Hanabi? The doctors can monitor you longer and I'll stay with you."

"No! I'm fine. It's just scratches. I'm itching to train."

He could hear them getting closer to where he was hiding so he finally stepped out of his hiding place and showed himself, almost bumping into Hinata.

"When we get home—Ah, Naruto!" she said with a startled squeak.

"Hinata," he said, his voice unconsciously warm, which made her blush. He looked at her and realized that he'd missed her all these months he hadn't seen her. He missed their conversations.

Her face was flushed, but her eyes were gently smiling at him. All he wanted to do was gaze at her face, but he turned to her sister and said, "Hi, Hanabi."

She looked at him with suspicion, then she did something that forever endeared her to him. Hanabi stepped in front of her sister as if to defend and protect her from him, one arm holding her sister back. Instead of feeling insulted, Naruto was oddly touched by the gesture. It had been an instinctive action and it spoke of the love and respect she had for her older sister.

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