Special Mary Sue-flake || Ideas

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So, there's a small trend going around the fanfic community. I wouldn't say lately, but Ive only just begun to take notice. And those, my friends, are OC reviews. Let me get it out; I fucking love them. So much so, in fact, that I want to start doing my own. Shock horror, Ryan is starting a new thing that will likely end up being either discontinued or deleted because ha ha, I cant stay committed for more than two seconds.

I would do Attack on Titan, because the OC's are usually horrendous, but we have Attack on Sues for that. Naruto would be my next choice- Just kidding, fuck Naruto. I could do multifandom, and just tell people to send in their already existing OC profiles that they use to write.

Which, by the way, is essential for writing decent and developed characters. So if you don't have profiles for your OCs, your fic is likely going to be complete shit. Just highlighting the facts, from personal experience.

Would anyone be interested in this? Because if I do even get a little bit of response, I'll more than likely do it. And, because I am just that bloody brilliant, if you do approve of this idea in the comments, Ill do one of your OCs first. Its like a pass at a theme park where you get to skip the lines and everyone looks at you like you are the fucking antichrist. Except you aren't the antichrist. I am.

Anyways, just so you know, I wouldn't hold back my opinions because we're friends. So, if constructive criticism is too hot for you, then get the hell out of the kitchen. Old person jokes, gotta love them.

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