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[your pov]

4:31 PM; thursday

the moment we entered the gym, there were already in chaos. there were two guys mopping the floor, then.... is he a high school student? i asked myself referring to the tall, long-haired guy that was being comforted by a gray-haired guy and scolded by a black-haired one, then a bald guy with a short guy laughing at a very tall guy who was all drenched up. the green-haired freckled boy was offering him towel, then there was hinata and kageyama bickering with each other.

shimizu senpai cleared her throat which caught the attention of them all. they went to us, forming an arc.

oh, god, they were all tall especially this blonde glasses guy...

"what's going on?" she asked them.

"a lot," the gray-haired guy answered, shaking his head.

"anyway, i would like to introduce to you a new member. this is misato hikari, she will be applying as your manager along with hitoka-chan," she told me.

they all greeted me except for the tall, blonde guy with glasses who was busy drying himself up. hinata, who was beside him, nudged him and pointed me. he then looked at me and bowed his head a little and went back to drying.

"what happened to tsukishima-kun?" yachi asked.

"hinata was so excited for today's training that he accidentally bumped into kageyama who was drinking his milk, who apparently was next to tsukishima." the gray-haired guy explained.

"is asahi-san okay?" yachi asked pointing to the long-haired man.

"yes, he was blaming himself for what happened to tsukishima even though he wasn't here yet when the incident occured," the other guy next to the gray head said.

"we'll be back, we'll just orient and give misato-chan her application paper," shimizu senpai told them then we left.

6:21 PM; thursday

we were just watching their practice match when suddenly, the ball flew right into my face. i fell from my seat. yachi screamed after, "misato-chan!!!!!"

k really manifested for me to get hit by a ball, ugh, i really hate him. i thought.

they all went to me, and everyone's asking if i was okay. i nodded and tried to stand up with the help of yachi.

"you could've blocked it. you were right beside me," tsukishima told hinata.

"ha? b-but i never would've thought it would go sideways." he defended.

"you let the ball flew to misato-chan," kageyama added in.

"what? why are you blaming me?" hinata fight back and the next thing you knew the two were already fighting.

tsukishima left the two and went to our direction. he looked at me and said nothing. the freckled boy asked, "ah, yachi-san, is she okay?" he asked.

"yamaguchi's asking if you're okay," she told me. yamaguchi...that sounds familiar.

"yeah, i'm okay. just a little dizzy," i told him and smiled. he smiled back with worry in his eyes.

they all went back to the game, but shimizu-senpai told me and yachi that we could go home now. it was because i wasn't yet officially a member so i don't have any excuse to staying late in school and yachi has a poster to do.

we bid goodbye to all of them and left.

this chapter sucks im sorry

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