Rule Five

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(Y/N)'s complete guide to achieving success

Rule Five of Ten:

'Do what you must.'


Saturday 11:17 am - the morning of the 'date'

If anyone had of ever asked one of her classmates to describe her, there was almost a 100% chance that Hana Nakamura would have been called jealous.

It may have well as been her middle name, but that was not the case, her parents had decided on Katherine which was about as far from it as you could get.

'Pure' was defiantly on the other end of the spectrum.

Hana was well known in her school for various reasons, her friend group, her style sense, her abrupt personality, but out of all of those it would have to be her undying obsession with a certain boy.

That being the local 'bad boy', who was no other than Jotaro Kujo.

She was famous with the kids in her year for her complete and utter devotion to the 'fan club' that had started up in his name, one that took it to the extreme levels. They were not all some first years crushing on a celebrity, they were serious.

And probably out of all of them Hana was the most involved.

Most devoted.

When the other girls would get bored and bunk spying on him to go shopping or go to someones house, she would stay.

Stay to watch him.

She didn't mind that he took up her entire life, and distracted her from work, she didn't care that people saw her as 'crazy' or 'deranged'. She didn't really even mind that her parents were thoroughly concerned at this point, Hana just couldn't seem to concentrate on anything else.

This was not the first boy who had fallen victim to her obsessive tendencies but he was most defiantly the most interesting, the longest, the most obsessive.

Even her friends had started to notice, well the ones that cared did, that she would take it a few steps too far, the ones who were actually her 'friends'.

Not like you.

Hana had still not gotten over the day all those weeks ago, the day when you had hit her so hard round the face she had seen stars, so hard that she had a red mark on her face for days after.

An ugly scarlet blotch on her perfectly clear skin, that would not disappear, and she was furious because of it.

And worst of all it had all happened right in front of Hana's one true obsessive love, Jotaro.

She had fallen to her knees, white socks smeared with dirt, as the other girls swarmed her squealing abuse at you and worried questions at her, dragging her by the back of her blazer.

Hana had never felt such untameable wrath, such embarrassment, such jealousy.

Her cheeks felt on fire, her face as red as a tomato, and not just from the slap.

You had just thrown her to the floor, her 'friend' had just pushed her down, had just screamed at her.

Now she was on the floor, dirty, right in the eyesight of the man she loved.

A complete mess.

But the worst part of it was that Jotaro hadn't even noticed her, he wasn't even looking.

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