I'm just as confused as you are, honestly (Pixal x nb reader)

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This is from a different oneshots book. It was requested, but the author hasn't written it (yet). Requested by VinnietheFandomTrash.

A little explanation: Anya's your og name, and you want to change it to y/n since you're non-binary :p

Knock, knock.

Come on, you can do it, y/n! You practiced a million times! She's a robot, she will understand. 

A part of me is wishing she isn't in her room, but another knows that I need to get this off my chest.

And, lucky or unlucky as I am, she opens her door.

"Hi, Anya, how are you?" A familiar pang of the whole "no one knows who you really are" loneliness hits me, but I use it as a reminder of what I have to do.

"Could I come in? I need to talk to you." She smiles and nods.

"Sure!" She leads me to her bed and motions for me to sit down.

I decide to throw everything I'd planned away and just say it.

"I'm non-binary." Pixal pauses for a moment, a look of confusion covering her face. My cheeks are on fire, my heart racing like I just ran a marathon.

"What does that mean? That word does not currently reside in my database."

"It means I'm not a girl. I'm not a boy either, I just feel like..." I flounder for the right word for a moment, "Me, is the easiest way to explain it. I might have been born biologically female (sorry for the male readers, if I have any), but I don't feel like it. Like I'm a round peg supposed to fit in a square space." She's nodding along, and I think she gets it.

"Would you like me to use other pronouns?" Wow. Didn't expect that to work so quickly. I then mentally smack myself in the face, thinking: she's a robot, genius.

"Um... I would like to use they/them pronouns, but I'm not really sure... I've never done this before. But I did think of a name? I'd like to be called y/n," I reply, trying to keep my cool. At this point I'm near tears because of how terrifying this is.

"Okay, y/n," she says without hesitation. I squeal before stopping and blushing madly. She notices, and pulls me into a hug. 

"You're an amazing person. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. It means a lot," Pixal says, allowing me to hug her longer than I probably should have.

"Could you keep this between us, for now? I'll tell the others once I'm comfortable," I decide, pulling out of the hug and smiling. She nods, and then her face lights up, and I can practically see the lightbulb above her head.

"Well, this requires a shopping trip, wouldn't you agree?" she says brightly.

"That's a great idea. I think I want to experiment a bit, see what I like." She nods, then pulls me out of her room and out to the hallway, then outside (pretend Pixal has a room on the bounty and it's on the ground)

"Anya and I will be out for a bit, sensei," Pixal informs him, and he nods. I notice the pang of her using Anya, but it's smaller. Less biting.

"As long as you aren't out late."


We had just finished a huge trip to the mall and a depletion of my saved up chores money, but I was floating on a cloud of euphoria. Pixal was smiling, like she knew a secret that I didn't. Suddenly, she yanks something out of a bag I hadn't realized she had, and flourishes the object with a woosh. It took me a second to figure out what it was.

A flag.

Not just any flag.

A familiar black, purple, white, and yellow-striped flag. I gasp.

"How'd you get that?" I ask, taking the pride flag, trying to smooth out a crease in it.

"I have my ways," She replies with a sly smile. 

I might turn this into another oneshot, like when y/n comes out to the rest of the team, or they date pixal. What do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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