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I hate Sundays, Sundays I would usually be doing my deep cleaning and organizing routine as far as folding clothes, cleaning out the pantry, doing the laundry and dishes that he left around the house after inviting all of his work friends over.
they would usually have a party every Sunday I don't know why but I really don't care its not like he gives me any attention anywho I guess that's what guys do it's an escape from home.

I felt like he has always walked right through me like I was a ghost or something like I was just invisible. I started to look in the mirror everyday wondering " am I really invisible" but I knew I wasn't invisible, I wasn't a ghost, I guess he's just tired of the same women walking around not doing anything else but Cooking, washing dishes and cleaning up his mess it's like over the past years I became his personal Maid I never had time for myself anymore I lost myself as the years flew by so fast. He never calls me beautiful anymore he looks at me like I'm just so disgusting his eyes aren't the same as they once were. when I look into his eyes now I see nothing but a Warning sign.. maybe I'm Not enough for him. I'm so tired of my mind running all over the place let me just take this melatonin and get ready for bed.

The next day after he got off work he kissed me on my right cheek he told me that I cleaned so well and that he was inviting some more friends over from work. he's always so sweet especially when he's up to no Good. I told him that it was fine I always agreed with him only because I knew what would happen if I simply told him no and that he should spend more time with Me. I been feeling so lonely he doesn't even care I don't think he ever will I wish I never met him.

Me and my husband has been together for 13 years. he's a tall good looking man. His hair is sandy brown, his eyes are as blue as the sea, his lips are as soft as marshmallows. i didn't just fall In love with him his looks. I fell in love with him because of how sweet he was and how caring he was. The thought of a man being so sweet and kind all the time shocked me I never met a Guy like this before this was my first marriage I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into I was only 21. Deep down inside I had a feeling something was off about him I just thought It was him being a little weird he's always been a little off. i just followed my heart I didn't know much about love I was just so Sprung & naive next thing you know I'm in-love with him. well I was in love with him you see I'm using "was" was is past tense I use to love him but now I wish nothing but death on him.

After all these years of feeling so trapped in my own home he had finally came around atleast I thought he did I'm always thinking someone would change. my mom always told me a person can change if their really willing to. Well one day he walked in the house with flowers and Chocolates in his hand I couldn't believe he actually bought me flowers the flowers smelt so amazing and the chocolates were in a heart shaped container. I love chocolate I was finally getting some love it made my heart warm, my heart hasn't felt like this in so long. I burst out in tears he told me he loved me, he told me he would never leave me and that I'll never leave him, he told me he would be better. HE HE HE My Delusional Gullible ass Believed everything he said. you know that he would never leave me part? his eyes showed it all he meant what he said.

Later on that day he told me to put on something sexy mind you I'm always at home taking care of the house I haven't Got myself together in a while I didn't know what to wear, i literally pulled everything out my closet. I had finally found this Red short Dress it had Rhinestones on it. I fixed up my hair, put on a little bit of makeup It took me forever but I know I look damn Good and I feel like a fucking star, I felt seen. I'm really trying to enjoy this night out though it's been a while as I kept saying to myself.

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