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21 hours and forty-one minutes later we stopped the car and we talked; she spoke and I listened.

She looked at me.

I looked at him.

Our clothes were torn and the sweat plus the red brick dust from outside the church had stained our clothes a deep, bloody red.

The gun lay on the dashboard.

His eyes were so overwhelmingly full of emotion.

Her lips were forming words that had been left unspoken for years gone by.

Years later I would look back on this moment and I could still not describe the atmosphere in the car at the very moment she said it.

I almost didn't dare say it

"Babe, you look so cool"
"Babe, you look so cool"

And then all at once he began to cry

And I couldn't understand why I was

I cupped his face in my hands

As her own tears started to fall.

But then he spoke,

And I would never forget the look on her face

He spoke these words to me:

I should have pulled the trigger.

And he was right

The look in her eyes in the moment I saved her

I didn't want to look into the eyes, into the soul of the man who's heart I had obliterated.

She wanted to be gone. So that sophisticated Jane could be gone like rebel Jane.

"It would have put me out of my misery yes, but I would love to spend the rest of my futile and miserable life if it is with you Lou."

And in the background a voice sang

"I'll give you one more time, give you one more fight, be a riot 'cause I know you."

This chapter is dedicated to @variouscruelties

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