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My life?
It's a whirl, a complication!

It all started that day he told me, he told me what he felt. That's when the complication all started.

You see my life was complicated from beginning, I come from Ghana and Antigua. Chantae' that's my name, all you need to know for now.

My Dad walked out of my life when I was 6 years old, then he reappeared all of a sudden when I turned 13. I'm not saying I genuinely hate my Dad, but I don't like his existence either. Just a waste of space and time.

I truly don't need him, I haven't in a long time; why do I need him now?

This is just an introduction, don't get it twisted. I will tell you all about my complication.

The Complication.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt