Gemma dramma

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The school bell rang the halls were quiet and class was in session...
Gemma sat in worry, she had the thought of confessing her love to her dear Ashton. Ashton sat in silence as he listened to his biology teacher. Elizabeth was laying on her desk asleep. I wonder how she gets away with it.... Gemma had told me about her love for Ashton. All I could say was go for it. I'm not good with love advice.
"Hey babes there's a pool party at my house tonight if you wanna come"
Mr. Z told us, he's so weird.
"Hey Elizabeth are you going"
I overheard. Elizabeth popped up quickly and squealed "Yes!?". I think she just woke up startled... I feel bad for her now.
"Great! Meet you there! And at that very moment Elizabeth looked so confused. " Gemma have you asked out Ashton yet?"
"Not yet but soon!"
She better hurry.
A  period later
"Hey Ashton wanna go out at the pool party with me?" Gemma asked worried
"Uhm- I already...asked  Abby"
I wonder what pain Gemma feels right now.
Mr. Z's pool party
Gemma comes up to me
"Ashton went out with Abby...oh i know what to do"
honestly I need to know what she's gonna do "What are you gonna do?"
"If I tell you then you won't let me do it"
Gemma jumps into the pool and starts fake drowning
oh my gosh this girl is crazy
I say cause I'm a good friend
Mr. Z takes off his shirt and jumps in the pool he gets Gemma and does mouth to mouth
Atthat point i think everyone threw up (counting Mrs. Z )  once we got back home my mom walked up to me
"We are going camping on Sunday wanna come?"
We haven't camped in years...

(Also Mr. Z was Elizabeth's teacher last year in real life )

*Not finished* 4 Hers 4 Hims | A 5sos love storyWhere stories live. Discover now