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Yukie tilted her head as her friend Akaashi let out a sigh, he was fixing up her a coffee, working at a small coffee shop. "Keiji, if you keep looking like that you'll get wrinkles, silly, whats up?" Yukie said with a grin.

Akaashi scoffed, "Right, wrinkles are the worst of my problems, right." He said bitterly, "It's nothing, just I haven't seen one of our regulars, Bokuto." Akaashi let out a groan, why was he thinking about that stupid idiot.

"Oh? Keiji? Is that a crush I sense?" Yukie said with a grin nudging her friend as her glared at her handing her the coffee. She happily took it and paid, "Whatever, whens your girlfriend getting here, hm?" He said narrowing his eyes at her, she gasped, "She isnt my girlfriend! But she'll be here in like fifteen minutes." Yukie smiled looking at her phone.

"Hey, hey, hey!" a familiar voice filled the room, Akaashi looked over to him, it was Bokuto. "Sorry I haven't been here in a few days, I've been working a lot, it's so nice!" he smiled at Akaashi.

Akaashi smiled back softly before turning to Yukie, "Yukie go sit down, you don't work here, go wait for your girlfriend over there." he glared at her, Yukie grinned and patted him on the shoulder and walked off.

"The usual? Bokuto?" Akaashi said looking over to the peppy guy who was happily waiting, he nodded quickly, "Yes please!" Akaashi let out a soft hum before softly smiling again, making Bokuto's juice.

Kaori walked in as Yukie happily walked over to her and hugged her, "Hi guys! Quiet day huh?" Kaori said raising an eyebrow looking around the slightly empty coffee shop. "To be fair Ori, it's quite late." Yukie said smiling.

"Bokuto! I haven't seen you in a few, hows work been? I heard Iwaizumi was putting you up to some fun things at the flower shop" Kaori grinned, Bokuto nodded, "For it just being a flower shop, it's sure active, hey 'kaashi, where's Oikawa? Iwaizumi wanted me to call him an idiot for him!" Bokuto exclaimed looking over to Akaashi as he handed him his drink, Bokuto quickly paid.

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure he wont be at work until tomorrow, why cant Iwaizumi tell him by himself?" Akaashi asked tilting his head, Bokuto shrugged taking a sip from his drink, "He's always too busy to stop by now a days, I'll try to get him to stop by tomorrow though!" Bokuto smiled an award winning smile at Akaashi, winking.

Akaashi blushed and turned away, a chime at the door brought to his attention, "Hey, I'm here for my shift Akaashi." Kenma said with an annoyed look on his face as he saw Bokuto, "Oh great where's your other trouble today Akaashi?" referring to Kuroo.

"My trouble? The only trouble I have is Bokuto, Kuroo is your problem." Akaashi scoffed, Kenma groaned. Bokuto grinned, "Awwww I'm your trouble 'kaashi?" Akaashi rolled his eyes, "Alright Kenma, have a good night, I'll be clocking out now." he said smiling at Kenma, the other boy nodded, "Bye Akaashi."

Akaashi let out a sigh, walking off, thinking, did he almost confess his love for Bokuto or... Suddenly his thoughts were cut off by Bokuto grabbing his arm, "Hey do you wanna walk home together? We are neighbors after all!" Bokuto said happily, Akaashi let out a soft sigh before nodding and smiling softly.

"So... Did you hear about Shrimpy and Kageyama dating?" Bokuto said looking over at Akaashi, Akaashi raised an eyebrow, "Did you just refer to Hinata as Shrimpy? Bokuto?" Then he smiled, "But yes, I've seen, I'm happy for them." Bokoto nodded, letting out a soft hum.

"Kageyama works with me, I remember him accidently telling me that they were together." Akaashi said smiling, "He was so shocked but I told him I wasnt surprised, you work with Hinata, correct? He usually tags along with you and Kuroo, right?" Akaashi asked looking over a Bokuto, Bokoto nodded and smiled. "Yeah! We've always been working together, he's pretty funny, no wonder Kageyama likes him." Bokuto grinned, "But Hinata does talk about Kageyama a lot, sometimes they argue, it's really funny, but honestly they love each other." Akaashi nodded, stopping at his door."See you tomorrow Bokuto." He said looking over to Bokuto, he nodded and countinued walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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