stupid is as stupid does pt. 4

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“He has a limo?” Drake said, staring at it in shock. I was pissed. Again.
“Yes, and he obviously has a Death wish.”
Ansel stepped out and smirked at me. I was seething. How stupid can someone be. He approached us but stood on the other side of Drake. Well not stupid enough apparently.
“I’m Ansel.” He smirked at Drake. “You must be something pretty special to have made friends with Kira here.” He held his hand out to Drake and Drake grasped it.
“My name’s Drake. And I like to think I am.”
Ansel was avoiding my glare. Almost ignoring me completely.
“I’m going to kill you.” I growled out Darkly. They both ignored me. Well Ansel did. Drake glanced at me before following Ansel towards the limo. We all climbed in and even though there was lots of room, Ansel Sat directly beside me. Which I was not okay with. At all. Drake sat across from us. I was glaring at my hands trying to calm down. Ansel smirked at me.
“Where is it?” He asked. I pulled out his card, but instead of giving it back I tossed it at Drake who looked at it, then at me.
“Somebody as Stupid as you does not deserve a credit card.”
“I’m hurt.” Ansel gasped dramatically. “I thought I was smart.”
“You brought a limo to pick us up. Delta Created the mecha-worldlies and You brought a flipping limo.”
“It’s safe.” He shrugged.
“How can you know?” I snapped. Glaring at him. If looks could kill Ansel would be more than just dead. “He’s a First. Stop underestimating him!” Something else clicked. “Please tell me you did not put the others in here. At night.” When he didn’t respond I got my answer. “Oh my god Ansel. You all could have been killed! For once will you use your head and not your ego?!”
“Awe, you care.” He teased. Drake watched us fight in amusement. I sent him a small glare. I'm glad he found entertainment in this.
“Ansel. You are really pushing your luck.”
“Relax Kira,” Drake finally spoke up and I turned the full force of my glare on him causing him to flinch a little. Good.
“Relax? He put my siblings and companions in even more danger, and you want me to Relax?” Both males sighed. Successfully pissing me off even more. I swear you could see steam coming from me. Ansel put am Arm over my shoulder and I growled lowly, which he chose to ignore.
“Kira. I have managed to Discover a few things about Delta. For one. He may have started the Mecha war, but he himself can’t control vehicles. Only create those that can. This limo is Protected already, and the vampires haven’t discovered how yet. Also, to otherworldlies this limo looks like a carriage, thanks to our little mixture.” He looked down at me calmly. “And Delta’s not around anymore. I got word that he is in Hawk ravine.” That did the exact opposite of calm me down. My voice took a deadly calm tone.
“Ansel.” He tensed and looked at me. Knowing I have reached a very bad amount of anger and worry. “Hawk ravine is where we were going next.” He stared at me the blinked.
“That’s where we were heading to next.” The limo got silent. Finally, I managed to make Ansel worry. I could feel his arm tense on my shoulder. Either I was extremely predictable, I was betrayed, or Delta is reading my mind. All of which were a huge possibility. I didn’t think I was overly predictable, but Delta also wasn’t stupid. He knew I would go back to clear shallows after our little meeting. He could have planted that information into Lily’s pack, but I highly doubt that. He probably knew Hawk ravine was where she would send me. And if he was spotted there. He wanted to be spotted. He wouldn’t make a mistake like that. Delta was smart, and I hated that. What are the full extent of his abilities, just how much interest did he have in me? And why me? It’s not like I was overly special. I may be strong but there are others stronger than me. In slayer definition I was weak. I would always put family and friends first. Screw the job. They were more important. I put them above me most days. Above all I loathed vampires. Was that it? Did he want the satisfaction of turning me into the thing I hated the most? Or was I just a play thing till he put his plan into action. Am I a toy to him? I paused my thinking, I could feel my breaths getting shorter and quicker, but I couldn’t stop it. My mind was working too fast. I was a danger. I was the cause for all of this. It’s my fault. Everyone around me could die. All because Delta has taken an interest in me.
“Kira.” I heard my name being said. But I couldn’t respond. I was afraid to respond. I was doing the opposite of what I wanted to do. Instead of protecting everyone I was putting them at risk. “Kira, You need to snap out of it.” The voice said again. Who was talking to me? Why me? They need to get away. Get far away from me. Fear took over. My body was so tense everything tingled. I could see but I couldn’t register what was happening. All I knew was I was at fault. Everyone was going to die and It was because of me.
“Kira?” Another voice said. No, no, no, no, no. I don’t know who it was, but they needed to leave. Now, “What’s happening to her?!”
Away. Everyone needed to get away. My vision started to get black spots, not like it mattered. My thoughts were all that were important. What if Delta killed them? What if delta turns me. What if one of my sisters must kill me? I can’t let that happen. I needed to distance myself. I needed to keep them safe. I needed them away from me. All of my thoughts abruptly stopped. Something soft was touching my face. But it wasn’t really my face, it was my lips. Wait… lips? Someone was Kissing me. I stood up quickly pushing whoever it was, away from me. Only my vision went completely black and I lost balance. Strong arms wrapped around me holding me close. I put my hands on the person's chest. My heart rate was crazy, and it hurt to breathe.
“You’re okay.” A firm but gentle voice mumbled against my head.
“Kira!” a bunch of voices called out to me, I wanted to respond but I couldn’t
“Give her a minute.” The voice said softly. My vision began to clear, and thing’s finally started to make sense again. I looked up my green eye’s meeting pale blue eyes. There wasn’t a cocky look in them. Nor did they hold the ‘I’m better than you’ shine. For a moment I almost forgot he was now a head and I was slaying with my sisters.
“Ansel?” I finally asked. My voice came out rough and scratchy. I even flinched at the sound of it.
“Welcome back to the real world, kitten.” He said softly. “I would have helped you out earlier, but the others didn’t believe me when I said I could help.” Even though it hurt I still snorted softly.
“I wonder why.” He smiled and pushed me back onto the chair. He stared at me gently. Not with lust or desire. Just a plain worried look. And that’s when it clicked. “Holy shit. I had a panic attack.”
“Yes, you did.” He pushed some of my hair off my face and I looked around. We were in a house. What looked like the living room. There were a few couches, two love seats, 3 reclines one of which I took up. A decent sized dark brown coffee table and a huge t.v. Drake stood in the doorway a mix of relief and anger on his face. Wren and Riley stood behind Ansel peering at me worriedly in-between shooting Ansel Death glares. Nat and Cody sat on one of the love seat’s. Nat looked exhausted and I felt really bad for her. Dustin leaned on the wall beside them. Smirking a little. My eyes met with Ansel’s again. My heartrate calmed down. It’s been nearly a year since my last panic attack. I haven’t had one since I started slaying with my sisters. Before that, I got one every couple of months. Which is why Ansel was relaxed. We were partners before. He knew how to handle them.
“What the hell just happened?” Riley finally asked. Breaking the silence.
“Kira had a panic attack.” Ansel answered for me. “If you all would have listened to me instead of freaking out, you would have known she used to get them all the time.
“Way to talk about me like I’m not here.” I grumbled even though my voice protested it. Ansel then Glared at me. Full on Glared. Those who could see it made sounds of shock.
“You just sit there and shut up.” He ordered and for once I listened to him. “Water is on it’s way.” That excited me. I leaned back closing my eyes already feeling the ache of a migraine starting.
“I’m sorry. But we seriously didn’t think kissing her would break her out of it.” Wren snarled. I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from laughing. Ansel so deserved the crap he was about to get.
“With the way you treat her, it’s not our fault we thought you just wanted to take advantage of her.” Riley added. I could feel the anger in her voice.
“I have to agree with the girls.” Drake said. “They don’t talk about you nicely.”
“But he was her partner before was he not?” Dustin chipped in. “It makes sense that he knows more about her than you guys do. Though I do have to agree. That was the most unconventional way of stopping a panic attack that I’ve ever seen.”
Ansel didn’t answer that. I felt a glass get placed in my hands and gladly drank the water. I opened my eyes and Ansel refilled the glass. He held his hand out to me. In it were three little red pills. I glared at them before turning my head away. I was not letting him put me in a drugged induced sleep. He sighed and turned around.
“Anyone have painkillers?” He asked.
“I do” Nat spoke up. She moved to her bag and pulled out a small bottle, then came over and handed me three pills. I smiled gratefully at her but frowned upon seeing her wrists. The bruises looked bad. I gently brushed one and she flinched. I grabbed her wrist higher up examining it some more before turning to Ansel, giving him a look. He nodded and spoke to the person who was now standing beside him. The person nodded and ran off. Moments later they came back with two clear containers. I took the container and spread the cream lightly over Nat’s bruises. Her head tilted in shock. “They don’t hurt as much.”
“That is a mixture. Kira and I created. I’m not going to tell you what’s in it but it will help heal the bruises.” Ansel then turned to Drake handing him the second one. “I’m sure you probably have a bruise or two.” There was something teasing about the way Ansel said it. Nat went and sat down beside Cody again. I took the pills and drained my glass a second time. Ansel topped it off and Riley whispered to Wren.
“It’s creepy how they can understand each other without words.” She did look annoyed. I rolled my eyes at her. Truthfully Riley and Wren have never seen Ansel and I in a room together for more than a couple minutes.
“They were partners.” Dustin sighed. Sounding exasperated. “Of course they can communicate without words.” I made a gesture at Dustin. Letting them know he was speaking the truth.
“It’s creepier how she’s listening to him.” Wren said. I Groaned and put my head back on the couch. I drank the third glass and sent Ansel another look.
“Yes, you may talk now.”
“Okay first off.” I started. “I hate you. That attack was your fault” Everyone laughed a little. “Secondly. Why the hell did you go straight to plan K? Why not plan A or even Plan C?”
“You were too far in your thoughts for Plan A or plan C. Plan K was the only one that would work.” He replied with a shrug and a smirk.
“Mhm.” I replied, rolling my eyes. I turned to look at my sisters. “Thirdly. Ansel and I were a team for years. As Dustin has been saying. Of course, we can communicate without words. We can already do it. It’s an important part of any slayer group. “ I stood up and walked over to Drake. “You okay?”
“I should be asking you that.” He laughed, smiling down at me and I shook my head turning to the others.
“Ansel’s right though. Before I started to slay with you two, Panic attacks were pretty common.”
“Why didn't you tell us?” Riley asked, a little hurt.
“Riles. I thought I had eliminated the cause of them.” I replied softly. Then turned back to look at Ansel. “We need to discuss a plan.”
“You need to rest first.” He replied.
“I don’t rest.” I glared at him.
“Yes you do. You just don’t sleep. And we both know I can fix that.”
“Ansel.” I growled out a warning glaring at him. He put his hands up in defense, meeting my gaze. We held each other's gaze for a second before he sighed.
“Kira, you really should consider it.”
“And you really should mind your own business.” I snapped, and Drake put a hand on my head. In an attempt to calm me down.
“You two are really funny.” Dustin smirked at me and I sent him a glare as well.
“Come on. I’ll show you to the room’s.” Ansel said walking out. Dustin and I followed after him first. Then the rest. As Ansel led us all down the maze of hallways the others gawked. Ansel had money and he wasn’t afraid to show it off. He had rare and exotic paintings and furniture lining the halls along with vases and sculptures, I knew the bedrooms were going to be just as fancy. Ansel had expensive taste. Everything had to be the best of the best.
“How rich are you?” Drake grumbled, causing Ansel to smirk.
“This is one of my smaller places.”
“He’s not lying.” I added. We turned another hallway and Ansel stopped.
“Do you all mind sharing?” Ansel asked. They all shook their heads no. “Okay, Dustin, Drake, you two can have the room two doors down on the right. Cody, Nat, you two can have the room across from theirs. Riley, Wren, you two can have the room beside Dustin's. And Kira.”
“First door on the left, I know.” I interrupted, already used to the drill.
“It’s creepy how organized he is.” Wren whispered.
“It’s creepy how he has a specific room for Kira.” Nat added.
“It’s creepy how she knew that.” Riley put in.
“They. Were. Partners.” Dustin stressed.
“Eww, don’t say it like that. It makes it sound like they were in a relationship.” Riley shuddered.
“I don’t want to think about my sister dating someone as creepy as Ansel.” Wren cringed.
“Drake is a much better suiter.” Cody piped up.
“I can hear you.” Ansel sighed.
“We know.” Riley, Wren and Nat said as sweetly as possible. Drake burst out laughing and high-fived them all.
“Don’t encourage them.” Ansel groaned.
“Sorry dude, but you do have this creepy factor to you.” Drake replied, and I bit back a laugh.
“Why am I giving you all a place to hide.” Ansel mumbled to himself.
“Cause Kira’s with us.” Dustin stated.
“And you want her to kiss you back.” Cody added making a kissing face. Nat and Riley burst out laughing.
“I’m leaving now.” Ansel sighed walking away. I snickered as he walked away.
“You all need to be around every time I have to see Ansel.”
“Are you seriously okay?” Wren asked.
“I’m fine, I just need to rest a little. Get some sleep, we’ll talk and come up with a plan in the morning.” I said they all nodded and started to walk away. I grabbed Dustin’s arm as he walked past. “I checked Drake over and he doesn’t look infected, but keep an eye open, just in case.” He nodded and continued to the room. Nat paused in front of me, handing me Anery. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” She smiled and walked off. I walked into my room and looked around.
It was just like all my other rooms in Ansel’s safe houses. A huge bed, lavenders all over, book’s, lamps, my own bathroom, and a huge jug of water. I drank another glass of water, turned on a small lap, and turned off the main light. I crawled into the large king sized bed, and buried myself underneath the comforters. Anery slithered off my neck and in between the pillows, keeping warm. I reached over and grabbed a book, deciding to read for the rest of the night.
            When I was done, it was 8 am. I stretched, stood up, and grabbed Anery. I glanced at my guitar case, and decided to grab the katanas just in case. I silently made my way into the main room. What surprised me was that everyone else was already there. Riley and Cody were sitting side by side, messing with their guns. Wren and Nat were eating what looked like cereal. Dustin was leaning against the wall again keeping an eye on everyone. Drake was sitting in a chair not far from Riley and Cody, watching them in interest. Lastly Ansel was leaning on the Doorway opposite of the one I was in. He was the first to see me and smirked. I Rolled my eyes and looked towards Riley.
“Those better have the safety on.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Riley mumbled.
“I already said that.” Dustin laughed.
“Doting. Parents.” Nat stated.
“Kitten.” Ansel said. I ignored him and walked towards Drake.
“Are you still doing okay?” I asked. He smiled up at me.
“I’m fine, still trying to wrap my head around all of this, but fine. How are you?”
“I’ll be better once we have a solid plan.” I responded. A loud bang interrupted my thought process. I instantly held out one Katana protectively, Drake’s Hands were on his ears. Gun shot. But from where.
“Oh my god!” A new voice said. I glanced to the doorway and saw Cordell standing there in shock. Ansel leaned over holding his right arm, blood was seeping through his fingers. I turned my gaze to Riley and Cody. Cody’s mouth hung open with shock and Riley had a sheepish grin on her face.
“What the hell!” I shouted at her.
“It was him!” She shouted back, pointing at Cody and hiding her gun behind her back.
“I knew you didn’t like me, but did I really deserve to be shot?” Ansel groaned.
“She should have done it sooner.” Wren mumbled under her breath. I glared at the two of them and put away my Katana.
“It wasn’t me!” She defended herself. I walked over to Ansel.
“Move your hand.” I ordered. He moved his hand away and I gently grabbed his arm checking out the wound. It was only a skim, along the edge of his skin. Definitely Riley, she wasn’t aiming to cripple him, only hurt him. I looked up and saw the bullet in the wall behind Ansel, barely missing a vase. “It’s just a graze you’ll live.” I scoffed, dropping his Ansel’s arm. I turned to Cordell who was standing beside Ansel confused. “What are you doing here?”
“I… Uh… Are you seriously going to ignore the fact that your sister just shot Ansel?” Cordell asked.
“It wasn’t me!” Riley shouted again. A playful look of betrayal on her face.
“It’s good for him. Ansel’s become sort of a pansy since he became a head.” I replied.
“Have not!” Ansel scoffed. His arm was already being attended to by one of the maids.
“Have to.” I said nodding towards the maid. “Before that kind of injury wouldn’t have bothered you.”
“Have not.” He countered. “It doesn’t bother me, but a perk of being a head means having someone constantly attends to your needs.”
“Pansy.” Wren stated. “That makes you a pansy.”
“You don’t even know what I was like as a slayer!” Ansel glared lightly at her.
“You probably sucked. I mean, you couldn’t even dodge a simple bullet.” Riley said waving around her gun. Dustin quickly pushed off the wall and pulled it from her hands, putting the safety back on.
“Is this one of those ‘expect the unexpected’ moments?” Drake asked, getting over the shock.
“Life as a slayer is constantly an ‘expect the unexpected’ moments.” Dustin sighed. Causing Nat and Cody to laugh.
“Truth.” Nat said.
“Moving on.” Ansel sighed. “We need to figure out how to deal with Delta.”
“How did he know where you were going?” Cordell asked.
“He told me himself!” I groaned, starting to pace.
“What?” Wren asked, confused.
“When Nat and I took down the Pure bloods. He purposely told me about the nest. He played me.” I explained. “It was a set up.”
“Leave her.” I heard Ansel whisper. “She think’s best when she’s pacing.” 
“How’d he know where we were?” Cody asked.
“Probably just a coincidence.” Wren said.
“Prime opportunity.” I continued. “Being a first he probably has contacts with those who can walk in the day, he probably had us watched and waited for the right time. I should have never let us go.”
“Kira, it wasn’t your fault.” Riley sighed. “I begged for us to go.”
“But I agreed, I should have never agreed.”
“Hey, I agreed as well.” Dustin spoke up.
“Blood.” Cordell sighed, walking over to the couch Riley was sitting on, sitting on the arm beside her. She smiled at him and he sent her a small smile before continuing. “It’s one of the risks that comes with being a slayer.”
“I could have kept them inside. Where it was safe. Especially with Delta on the loose.” I snapped. “My gut was telling me it was a bad Idea and I ignored it.”
“Kira.” Ansel said calmly, with a firm voice. “You need to calm down a little, you’ll have another panic attack.”
“Calm down!” I snarled, glaring at him. “You want me to calm down?”
“Kira.” Ansel said again. “What’s done is done, now all you can do is figure out how to beat Delta.”
“I hate to say it, but you’re right.” I grumbled and glanced at Drake who gave me a reassuring nod.
“So, what’s your plan?” Cordell asked. I glanced around the room, finally stopping my pacing. Everyone including Dustin were all looking at me expectedly.
“Cordell have you slayed before?” I questioned. Cordell nodded, a confused look on his face.
“Yeah, I started at the bottom.”
“We’re still going to Hawk ravine.” I stated.
“We’re what?!” Wren exclaimed.
“Let her explain.” Dustin said, with a no nonsense voice.
“If Delta’s been spotted there, he wanted to be. It’s probably a set up. But knowing that can give us the upper hand. Hopefully we can find more information about him, or his layer. I’ve been looking at this all wrong. I put him on a pedestal, making him seem a lot stronger than he is. We’ll treat him like anything else we have to track. Once we find his lair or his hang out, Dustin, Cordell, Ansel, us three and a couple other strong slayers will launch an assault. Cody, Nat, I’m sorry but you two can’t be a part of that.”
“I second that.” Ansel and Cordell said at the same time.
“Aww how cute.” Riley teased. “You two think alike.”
“What about me?” Drake asked, speaking up.
“Like I said, you can go back to your normal life and pretend like this never happened.” I answered brushing him off.
“Actually…” Dustin said, catching my attention. “That may be a bad idea. If Delta is as obsessed with you as you all say he is, then Drake will be in constant danger. Delta may use him against you.” Ansel sighed again and spoke up.
“You can stay with me. I have a feeling Kira and the girls will kill me if you die. Who knows, maybe you have the makings of a leader.”
“He wha?’ Nat asked, shocked.
“Well a gunshot went off and it only took him a couple minutes to recover. And he hasn’t totally gone insane, knowing all of this. And he for some reason can tame Kira, which is a miracle on it’s own.” Ansel explained.
“I am not a beast. I’m not something someone can tame.” I glared at him.
“Whatever you say Kitten.” Ansel waved me off. “How soon do you want to be in Hawk Ravine?”
“I don’t want Delta’s trail going cold. But if it’s a setup he’ll wait for us to show up.” I responded. “Why?”
“I’m making a trip to Banemen.” Ansel smirked. I raised my eyebrow at him.
“Why there?”
“I have connections that may know more about Delta.” He explained.
“What’s Banemen?” Riley and Drake asked at the same time.
“Aww how cute.” Cordell teased Riley, who gently punched his arm. Bleh, It’s kind of gross seeing her act all giddy with a male.
“Banemen is kind of like a Slayer Black market.” Cody summed up. Cordell, Ansel, Dustin and I all looked at him in shock. Cody sheepishly rubbed his head. “I may have heard a whisper about it and looked for information.”
“That’s pretty impressive.” I mumbled. Not a lot of Slayers know about Banemen. Not a lot of Leaders do either.
“Want to come with?” Ansel smirked at me. I glared at him, but he kept smirking, he knew I couldn’t say no. Banemen was one of my favorite places to be. I haven’t gone there since I started Slaying with my sisters. It’s not exactly a place where I want them.
“Alright. We’ll go.” I sighed giving in.
“Great I’ll have a limo prepared!” He cheered. The other’s walked out to get their thing’s. Cordell even followed Riley, I was about to follow to keep an eye on the two when Ansel stopped me. “I didn’t expect you to give in that easily.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve been in Banemen. I might be able to find other information as well.”
“Like what?”
“I’ll tell you in the Limo… Are you seriously going in the Limo?”
“It beat’s walking everywhere.” He smirked, then turned and frowned seeing the bullet in the wall. “Your sister shot me.”
“You should have seen it coming.” I snorted.
“How so?”
“They hate you. You kissed me. Put too and too together. Stupid.”
“Wow even you are picking up on Riley’s insults.”
“Shut up.”
“You know you missed me.”
“This is going to be a loooong trip.” I groaned walking away. Anery popped out from under my shirt. “What?” I asked looking at her. She just shook her head, in an oddly human way and disappeared back into the warmth of my shirt. I rolled my eyes and mentally prepared myself for the up and coming trip.

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