Stuff about gems

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Ok I know you might be opening up this book thinking, "What the heck is Padparadscha saying??" Well, I am a gem enthusiast and study gemology daily so I am a certified Gem Nerd, and will list the things in this book you will expect:

-I will talk about the hardness of the gem (Yo dirty-minded people shut up-)

-I will talk about a series that my friends made but is still in planning mode so some chapters have spoilers 

-And when I'm not gonna only do stuff about fivefold I will do stuff from Houeski No Kuni (Land of the lustrous) 

Ok got it back to rocks

If you watch Houeski No Kuni, Steven Universe, or your simply a gem enthusiast (Like me!) then I'm sure that you know facts on gems but if your totally not into these hunks of rocks then you're coming in blind. I'll list some gems that you'll likely know of Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond easy right? What about Peridot, Garnet, and Lapis Lazuli and so on not so easy if you're not into shows like SU (Steven Universe) and Land of the lustrous but I'll guide you through the journey about gems and symbolism step by step.

Gem Hardness Level Explanation:

Gem Hardness is a measure of how hard it is to scratch the surface of the gem.

Now we have the simpler version which is only 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 but we also have classes such as 9.5 and 8.5, which are basically like "eh i'm not as strong as 10 but the same time stronger than 9, got it? yay! Your good to go in the gem world or at least your good to go in this book. Happy researching!-

PastelMilkCarton/ Padparadscha 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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