Craig's ASD

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(If you have autism and you take offense to anything in this theory, please know that this wasn't my intent. Having an autistic brother, and my parents having their suspicions about me, I have nothing bad to say about it or anyone with it. I made this theory solely because there is a small chance that people will read it, and it might be a thing. Like Cartman having heterochromia or Tweek having ADHD. I tried my best to keep this from being offensive, but if you interpret it still in such a way, I am truly sorry. If you don't have autism and you take offense to this, then I don't understand why you would. That's kind of dumb)

I have a theory that Craig has high functioning autistim. Let me explain. The main symptoms for HFA is trouble with social interaction, impaired communication, restricted interests,and repetitive behavior. I'm gonna break it down.

Firstly, Craig is seen having trouble understanding Tweek's emotions, especially when he's very loud and talking quickly. That was the whole premise of "Put it down". Also, sometimes when he talks to the other kids, he won't make eye contact, or he'll be very vague in what he says. He's just trying to get the point across that he's upset. He has also stated that he likes things boring and likes to stick with his regular routine, a known symptom for autistic people.

I'm assuming that his special interest would be either space or red racer, cause those are the only things he seems remotely interested in. Stripe might be a buddy to help with overstimulation, which is why his parents keep getting him new ones.

I think Craig's stim would be flipping people off. I good example would be when he was in Mr. Mackey's office and he was getting yelled at. After Mr. Mackey mentioned him getting held back, Craig started flipping him off, and later denying he was. It's could be argued that he was lying, but a lot of the time when people stim, they aren't aware they are stimming. Also, that would explain his home life a little. In Tweek v.s. Craig, when he told his dad he was getting in a fight, his dad might have not known how to respond, cause it's hard for dads to connect with their autistic son's. His mom, however, might've done the motherly thing and researched once she found out. Also, when she yelled at Craig's dad, Craig repeated what she said. As someone with an autistic little brother, I've seen this before. When my parents repeatedly tell us something, my brother tends to repeat it. It's possible Craig picked it up, and repeated it. Also, his family might use the middle finger excessively because it makes Craig feel indifferent. Once again, I'm going from personal experience when I say that.

Another thing, Craig doesn't seem very interested in the games he plays with the other boys, like when they played superheros, he literally just taped a "S" to his shirt and added super to his name, but when it came to his pet Stripe, all of a sudden, he had a whole backstory that was set IN SPACE. When he was gonna fight Tweek, he had little interest in it at first, and would rather watch his favorite show, but the second Stripe was involved, he went along with it.
My last point for tonight is his sense of humor. Most autistic people have a hard time understanding when someone is joking, and when their making a statement. I don't remember what episode it was, but in it, Craig made a joke along the lines of, "Why do girls wear makeup and perfume? Cause they're ugly and they stink."
I believe that since the other boys were making jokes making fun of the girls, Craig wanted to join, but didn't quite understand the difference between a joke and an insult. I'm also sure that the other boys laughed because they're just used to that type of humor.

There's probably more points and evidence, but since it's 3:40 AM right now, I can't really keep my thoughts together. What do you think? Am I right? Why or why not? I think I'm gonna do more things like this too.

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