Denying it all

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That afternoon I went home only to grab more clothes. Since the night with my step mother, I haven't stayed at my house by myself or overnight. I would either sneak in to get more clothes or bring Zach or Carmen with me. It has been going on like that for about a week.

I slowly crept through the window landing on the soft carpet rug to muffle the sound of the creaking wood underneath. I grabbed enough clothes for tonight and school Friday. I decided to just come back home with Carman before my date with Zach.

I walks to the window and sent a signal to Zach, who was standing outside under the window waiting to catch my bag when I threw it over. Just as I was about to climb over my door opened, revealing the one person I didn't want to see.

"What are you doing?" I asked her

"I should ask you that" my stepmother replied

"It's none of your business" I said calmly

"I don't think your father would approve of you climbing out the window to go see some boy" she continued taunting me

"Don't speak of my father as if you know anything about him" I retorted angry that she. Was bringing my father into this.

"Oh my dear, did you forget that I married the man. I know everything" she said walking around my room until she sat on the bed.

"I don't care what you think you know but get the hell out" I said regaining my composure

"Watch your mouth. Did you forget this is my house" she snapped

"That's where you are wrong. This is my father house. Any day he could toss you out like the garbage you are." I growled

"You are nothing. You are fat, ugly and stupid" Gloria said

"Really, that's your insult. I hear that everyday at school. If you, a grown woman is saying that, you are just as stupid and immature as those kids in that school." I told her raising an eyebrow with a smirk on my face.

"And no one will ever love you. Your mom is walking proof of that. She left you because she didn't care about you. She didn't love you. You were nothing to her. You are just a waste of space. Your nothing. Absolutely nothing." Gloria said a smile growing on her face as mine went down.

I narrowed my eyes at her face, remembering everything Carmen told me I should be.

Be bold

Be strong

Be confident

Be you

With that in mind I brought my fist up without another thought and connected it with her jaw.

"Never EVER talk about my mother like she is a piece of trash on the side walk. Remember she had a life, a life she could go to when my dad wasn't there for her. You though, you have NOTHING. You are NOTHING without my dad. You have NO house, NO money, NO life. You say that I am nothing, but which one of us already knew what're they were going in life before college, which of us doesn't need someone else to support them, which of us has no money. So if I were you, which I am glad I am not, I would shut the hell up because you will regret every word out of your mouth" I said getting right up in her face

"Y-your father will be coming home tomorrow night. I expect you to be here, no excuses. He is not to about this any of this. Not what just happened, not what happened a couple days ago." She said stuttering before regaining her composure.

"The is no way in hell you are going to get away with hitting me" I said with a smirk

"What about that punch you just threw" she questioned me, a smile slowly forming on her makeup covered face.

"Who's going to believe that little o'l me had the nerve to punch my beautiful stepmother in the face the day before my father comes home. Hmmm. I don't think so. Watch yourself, you don't want to mess with me. I am not going to deal with your mess anymore, you are going to stay out of my life and away from me." With that said I flipped my hair over my shoulder --Just to add effect to my exit-- and walked out the door.

~The next day~
Nikki's house

"Hey dad" I said as he called me into his office

"Hello Nicole." He responded

"Hello Nicole" I heard a high pitched and squeaky voice call out. I looked in the corner and saw Sabrina. God why?

"What's up dad?" I asked trying my hardest to ignore her

"How did everything go at school while I have been gone?" He asked


"And at home?" Dad asked

I looked Sabrina dead in her eyes, narrowing mine with a quirkier eyebrow, while saying to my father, "Everything was fine"

"Good" he said? I took that as a dissmisal. I walked out of the room noticing Gloria following slightly behind. Once the door was closed she grabbed me by the elbow.

I turned to her and said, "If anything like our little incident the other night happens again it won't be just a punch to the face you get. Do You understand. Remember what I said. Stay out of my way" with that said I yanked my arm out of her hold and walked out of the house.


Authors note

Hey guys I know I said I would be putting this book on hold but... I decided to put this chapter up for those of you that are really interested in this book. Let me know what you think. Those of you that like the book so far I Am sorry for putting it on hold, I have been working on another book that my friends and I have decided to write together so it's been a little crazy I will make sure that I complete both books

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