The Ferry

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Jet and Zuko have stolen the food on the ferry and are sitting and eating

Izumi stood at the railing of the ferry, looking at the water. Suddenly she heard an old man call, "Excuse me, miss? Would you like to eat with us?". She turned and saw several people sitting around a feast, including a boy with a large scar and a strangely dressed girl. Nodding she made her way over and pulled off the hood of her cloak, revealing herself to the group.

Smellerbee was apprehensive about inviting someone to share the food they had worked so hard to steal, but the old man seemed to know something she didn't and there was more than enough to share. As the girl sat down and pulled off her hood, she saw Jet practically choke on his food. While the girl was very pretty, with nearly black hair and green eyes, she personally thought that she was a bit, strange. Maybe it was the hilt of a sword poking out from under her cloak, or the way her eyes were darkened and hard, but something wasn't right

Izumi smiled and thanked the group for inviting her, asking them their names. The old man spoke first, "I'm Uncle Mushi and this is my nephew Li." "And I'm Jet!", the boy with the strange clothes interrupted, "these are my friends, Smellerbee and Longshot." The girl and the silent archer both looked up at the sound of their names, with Smellerbee waving and Longshot giving a silent nod.

Smellerbee added, "We were freedom fighters, but we wanted to change our ways, so we are going to Ba Sing Se. Why are you going there?" Izumi replied, "I need to get a job, and my village had none." Jet butt in, "Where is your family? Are you alone?" "My mother was killed in a Fire Nation raid 5 years ago, and I have no father", Izumi clarified. The group went silent, reflecting on this information.

Soon, the group dispersed, as it was quite late. Izumi pulled her cloak over her head, and thanked Mushi for the meal. Mushi nodded and noticed that she hadn't actually eaten anything. Izumi left the group, stopping at a mother and her crying child. She handed the child the single bun she had taken from the meal, and smiled at the mother. Then she walked away, vanishing in the darkness.

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