And Peggy

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Peggy Pov.

Once I left Angelica and John I headed to the garden. A tall french man stood outside of the gates. He was quite cute and he was eating a part of a baguette. His eyes moved over to me which made me turn all flustered.  I hid behind a pillar beside my garden my back leaning against it. "Miss?" His french accent shivered my spine and I had a voice crack when I said, "Y-yes?" I hated myself for it but then I came into his view once again. He gave me a cheek wide smile and his teeth where as white as snow. He was very dashingly handsome and his smile was just heavenly. He made to the gate. "Lafayette." He put his arm through the gate and I moved close and put my hand in his. "Peggy Schuyler" I made a small curtsy still holding his hand.  His hand was warm and sweaty which was so cute. He split the bread into a half of what he had left and passed it to me. I then opened the gate instantly allowing him inside. He seemed to be surprised at our houses size which I let out a small giggle at he turned to me with a confused look. I let out a childish smile and he chuckled. I took his hand and brought him to my favourite place in this large place which was our tree swing buried at the back of the overly large garden. The swing was big enough to fit two people and it was attached to an old tree house. We were about a minute away and we give each other a small smirk which we immediately knew to start running towards it. Then we both jumped for it, falling and breaking it. He saved my fall with his body, our lips almost touching, our eyes meeting and mouths growing closer and closer. Our hearts pounding until our lips made a connection and our bodies where pressed against one another's.

After that we sat and talked for awhile, he was very funny and caring. Then when we started to kiss again and we were in the same position as we once were before we heard someone scoff. It was someone I did not recognise but he certainly did as he stood up and put his hand at his head as if to salute this man. "Lafayette." The man did not look pleased. "Yes sir Washington?" Lafayette asked. "Did I ask you to come here to convince Phillip to help us or to do whatever this is?" Washington? Asked. I stand up beside him and grab his arm. "It is not his fault it is mine. I can ask my father to help you just please do not blame him for this sir." I pleaded. Washington looked down at me from above his glasses. His once frown turned into a smile and nodded. "Great then. As you were." Washington walked away and Lafayette hugged me. "Thank you!" He was beaming with happiness that I had helped him. Once he had left to go back to his own camp or wherever they where staying I headed to my father.

A night later and I was dragged to a ball just hoping I would see Lafayette again. I stood in the corner beside the back stairs as I was not one for dancing and I did not intend to embarrass myself further. A few men tried to approach me but when one of them did they were pushed away and the handsome french guy appeared once again. "Long time no see." I smiled giggling a little. He did too and he passed me one of the drinks he was holding. "Thank you for talking to your father Peggy." He smiled happily and I nodded. "Anything for a dashing young man like yourself." I laughed before galloping the unidentified punch down my throat.  He laughed and we then we both looked over to my sisters talking to this one guy. "Hamilton." Lafayette introduced me without even me meeting the guy. "He seems nice." I said not really knowing what else was appropriate to say. "Seems is an understatement." He laughed once again. "Well I need to meet this guy now then." I grabbed Lafayette and we both headed to Hamilton when he was alone. "Alexander this is Peggy." Lafayette introduced us fully this time. "I see." He smiled at me. "I was just wondering why you even  bother with my sisters." There was definitely not just punch in that bowl. "Excuse me?" He asked puzzled. "Just that the two are already so ummm boy crazy." I giggled and Lafayette chuckled also. "Um.. I need to be over there now." Alexander pointed to somewhere across the room and walked away leaving us just standing there laughing.

The next time I saw Lafayette was at the wedding two weeks later but while Eliza and Angelica where fighting about harems in between the two weeks I was receiving my own letters through my secret bus boy service. They were funny notes and things about France, no love letters as who has time for that. Lafayette and I just wrote letters back and forth quite contently. The wedding came and I was wearing my basic yellow dress as I could not be bothered wearing by the dress code that Eliza picked out. If I had to deal with the bickering I got to chose my own bridesmaid dress. Lafayette came to the door with a bunch of flowers for me. I laughed and thanked him then asked a servant to put them in some water. We then headed to the church. I realised I would probably be the only one not dressed properly but I did not care. I then took Lafayette's arm and waited for the slow pouches, Angelica and a friend of Hamilton's to walk up the aisle first. Then we walked up and Lafayette whispered a really inappropriate thing into my ear which I made a weird facial expression to keep my laughter inside. The wedding was sort of nice I guess. Then Angelica made a boring speech and Father had a dance with the bride before we were allowed to eat cake. Our chef made it for us and Lafayette and I ate almost all of it due to the fact everyone else had basically abandoned us to let the servants clean the church. It was a good cake though. Lafayette and I then slowly walked home. 

"I leave to go back to the war tomorrow." He said and I stopped. "That was too fast." I sighed and then pretended to not feel upset about him leaving as I continued to walk again. "Then when it is over I'll be heading back to France." I just kept walking as I did not want to shown signs of weakness. He then dropped me off and I kissed his cheek before going inside and not saying another word. I then went into my room and cried a little as I was sad that I will not be seeing him again. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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