They'll Never Understand. [A Cristiano Ronaldo Fanfic]

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Chapter 1.  

~Maria's POV~

"They'll tell you now you're the lucky one..." 

"Sure... sure they will, Tay." I sighed, rolling over in bed, I eventually dragged my limp body out of my welcoming bed and down the stairs. I flicked the kettle on and set out two cups. I let out an exasperated sigh and shoved one back into the cupboard angrily, 

"Get ahold of your self Maria, he's not here with you, face it!" I sighed to myself, spooning extra coffee beans into my cup; I'm needing extra strong this morning.  

"Well, if it isn't Miss Lopez, slamming cups once again." I heard a male voice, I turned into the direction of the voice and smiled. 

"How'd you get in?" I raised an eyebrow, 

"You didn't lock the door... again." He shook his head,

"Sorry..." I muttered, stirring in the water, 

"Don't say sorry to me!" He laughed, "How's life, you know, without him...?"  

"F-fine..." I fake-smiled, holding back tears, 

"Don't lie to me, Maria." Rhys sent me a sympathetic look and came closer to me, 

"Ok..." I sighed, "I'm struggling, I want him to be here. It takes everything in me not to call him, and when I don't, I almost do..." 

"Babe, just think what he did to you. That wasn't a mistake, you need to get over him, I know it'll be hard, but just try." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to him, I hugged back and he rocked side to side slightly, with me in his arms. 

"I better get going." Rhys smiled, planting a kiss on the top of my head. I took a small sip of my now luke-warm coffee and chewed lightly on a cold, burnt slice of toast. 

"Maria? Maria? Maria! Maria?! MARIA? MARIA! MARIA LOPEZ?!" My head was spinning, the voices in my head were confusing me, I tried to focus on the computer screen in front of me, but the words just wiggled around and made my head spin more. The next thing I knew, the world around me went black...


  A / N  

  Hey! Hope you enjoy this!:D  


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