Mark and the fetus

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3 weeks after the plane crash.

Lexie is cuddling up to mark "meredith and Derek are dead I lost my family mark I lost them" she says while crying "I know baby I know I lost my brother but I know they wouldn't want us to mope around they'd want us to get on with our lives" he says, fighting the tears. "I know and I've got some news for you" she announces excitedly  "ooh what?" He replied "im pregnant" lexie smiles. " I what that's fantastic I'm so happy I'm going to be a daddy oh my god lexie that's great news" mark exclaims "we are going to be parents" she adds

2 months later

"Oh my bloody god I can't cope with this pregnancy  get this baby out of me" she says filled with frustration " it can't be that bad" he says daringly "stand up a second please honey" she asks, he stands up and she kicks him in his private sector "does that hurt" she asks " yes it bloody hurts what were you thinking?" He yells "it wasn't me it wad the hormones I'm sorry baby" she says beginning to weep "hey it's okay no need to cry I'm fine" he says reassuringly "I'm not crying because of you I'm crying because I want food and don't want to go and get it" she cries. "Baby I'll go and get you food just stay here and I'll be two ticks better yet I'll have an intern do it hehehe" he says.

2 months later

" mark everett sloan I swear to sweet baby Jesus if you don't get this baby out of me I'll kill you" she says grabbing his scrub shirt. "Lexie breath the baby will come when the baby is ready okay now I have a surgery so I have to go okay" he says walking to the door. " fine go I don't care" she screams " don't leave me I don't want to be alone markey please don't leave me" she says with tears falling. "Lexie I'm not going anywhere I'll page Avery to go and do the surgery okay" he says smiling . "He can't do it" she says "um why" he replies "because ghosts can't perform surgeries and Jackson's a ghost" she says then laughs. "Oh shit yeah I forgot the inconsiderate bastard decided to die on me grrr I'll get Ben to do it it's all good okay sweet heart I'll not leave your side" mark exclaims. "Good" Lexie announces while cuddling up to him.

2 months later

"Get this bloody fetus out of me before I burst" lexie cries. "Well you're in luck I can see the head" mark says smiling "only joking" he adds. " mark do you love me?" She enquires. "Ofcourse I love you" he replies " then if I was you I'd stop joking and get this damn thing out of me" she cries "now I really can see the head I need you to push for me lexie okay sweetheart" he says. Lexie begins to push and 34 minutes later she has a baby girl in her arms. " you did it lex well done" mark says. " well not yet by the looks of things there's something else on the way" the ob interjects. " they're can't be I can't go through that again it was bloody agony" she exclaims "here comes baby number 2" says the ob "what I uh" mark says as he faints and falls to the ground. " oh my god what a bloody wimp" Lexie screams "here it comes" the ob exclaims and she passes lexie a baby boy. Mark then wakes up and shouts "I'm a daddy wahoo" "yes to two babies" she says " wait I thought I was seeing double because of concussion but I'm a daddy to twins oh my Lord" he yells

4 years later

"Derek and Meredith come here please mommy wants you" yelled mark. The kids run in " yes mommy" Derek says "we think it's time we told you about the people you are named after" mark says "so derek you're named after daddy's best friend he was a neuro surgeon which means he used to operate on peoples brains and fix them now unfortunately Derek died 5 years ago in a plane crash that both me and your daddy were on Derek made sure that me and daddy were okay" Lexie says with tears in her eyes "now mark you tell them About mer" Lexie says.
"Now meredith was mommy's sister and she was a general surgeon which means she used to operate on people's bellies and insides but like Derek she died in that plane crash 5 years agony's just like Derek she made sure me and your mommy we safe and alive. Now you two are named after two heros two people who saved lives day in day out and who saved your lives and our lives so you guys need to respect the names okay and if either of us hear you disrespect them you will be punished and if  others disrespect them you tell us and we will deal with it okay no guys go and play in your room" mark says fighting the tears until they've left. Both Lexie and mark sit in the room crying over the death of Derek and Meredith "was I a nightmare when pregnant and in labour and be truthful?" Lexie asked " oh my god you were pure and true satanic" he says laughing through the tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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