Chapter 3: Part 5

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The Case


It was subtle, but I could see Agent lang shaking slightly as she started her presentation.

"The first victims of 'The Pirate' that we know of are the Michaels family."

The crime scene photos were eerie. There was barely any blood anywhere in the house and there were no signs of struggle. The only indicator that anything sinister had happened at all was the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Michaels sitting on the couch, their throats slit

"Their son called in for a welfare check Saturday afternoon after they hadn't answered their phone since Friday. That is when Officers McGinness and Sanders found the scene. This was back in '98, since then there has been eleven other murder in Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and, of course, Iowa."

Agent Lang flipped through two more murders before I started to see patterns. Snapshot began to catch on as well.

"Hey Ellie?"

Snapshot raised his hand.

Is anyone going to tell the kid this isn't elementary school anymore?

"Yes, Snapshot?"

Agent Lang paused, midway through a grisly description of the state of the third victims bodies. Who hadn't been found for weeks due to their solitary nature.

"Can we talk psychology and M.O.s for a minute? The positioning of the bodies, the lack of blood or evidence, and the rum. What is with the rum?"

I jumped in.

"Well I would say the rum is a part of his signature. He robs his victims of jewelry and cash and takes great care to position and clean up the scene. It only took you fifteen minutes to call him 'The Pirate', so I think the killer may be intending this. The rum would be a reference to seal in the pirate theme of the killings."

Why are they all staring at me?

Agent Lang started back again.

"Exactly right Tatanka. Why don't we start on the psych profile for now. I put some notes on already but I would love to hear everyone's thoughts. We can finish up with the rest of the cases tomorrow."


We talked for nearly an hour, theorizing and analyzing every last iota of information. When 20:00 p.m. rolled around, Agent Lang looked at her watch and stood.

"Guys I'm beat, and I'm starving, but I would love to get to know you better. What do you all say to dinner? Maybe--"


Agent Lang, Mallory, and I all spoke at the same time.

And all at once Agent Lang, Mallory and I had the same surprised look.

"Okaaay, Sally's it is. Apparently you two have already explored the town a little."

Dr. Okono and Snapshot looked at each other and shrugged.

"As long as Sally's has milkshakes, I'm in."

Dr. Okono grinned and grabbed her purse, and we all followed her out the door.

"Sally's is just across the street Nekesa and Snapshot, so we can just walk and come back for our cars later."

They smiled and Snapshot gestured dramatically.

"Then by all means, lead the way!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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