Chapter 3

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[Hey everyone!  My apologies, it's been almost two years since I've done any work on this story!  December 24, 2018, is the last time I updated this, and I really am sorry for that.  I didn't realize how much time had passed!  Well, I'm now back and working on this story again!  I've also edited the previous two chapters and changed the storyline to what I was incapable of portraying two years ago.  Anyway, enjoy the chapter!] 

     I wake up slowly, only to nearly have a heart attack because Chara is standing directly over me, face blank.  I startle but give her a small smile.  She frowns and backs away, allowing me to sit up.  

"Drop the act, I know it's you, Julie.  The others don't, and I won't tell them, but just know that I know your real identity," Chara hisses.  I freeze and I can't stop the panic suddenly racing through me, remembering what happened a few years ago.  My mind goes blank and all I can remember is the yelling as I struggled to speak for the first time in three months after I was injured.  The last thing that I heard before I ran starts paying over and over in my mind. 

"We should have never brought you to the surface!  Maybe I should have let my dad kill you!" 

     I slowly register someone's hands on my shoulders, becoming aware of Chara sitting next to me.  She's speaking softly but I can hear the worry in her voice.  After a few minutes, I'm as calm as I'm going to get and I look at Chara warily.  She gives me a small smile but sighs. 

"I didn't think you'd react like not bring up the past, duely noted.  Sorry for sending you into a panic attack," she apologizes, and I give her a strained smile. 

"'s o-oka-kay-ay," I rasp out, forcing myself to speak before collapsing into a coughing fit, burning my throat with the effort of forming words once again.  Chara looks alarmed before I manage to get my breathing under control and rub at my throat, wincing.  

"You really can't talk, huh?" 

     I shake my head.  I pull down the edge of my shirt and point at the thin white scar that curves halfway around my neck.  She reaches out a hand and traces it lightly with her finger before pulling her hand away. 

"So that's where he cut actually were close to being killed.  Now I feel bad about what happened.  After what I put you through so many times...shit, it triggered a flashback and you lashed out without thinking, didn't you?" Chara seems alarmed but I nod slowly, not wanting to go over the event that led to me being forced out of one of the only homes I had ever known.  She seems to understand this and drops the topic. 

"Are you hungry?" she asks, and I shrug.  Sure, I'd like food, but I'm not the hungriest that I've ever been.  Smiling, Chara pulls a sandwich out of her inventory and hands it to me.  I sign my thanks and start eating it slowly.  I learned a while ago that if you eat something too quickly when you haven't eaten in a while, you're gonna puke it up.  I notice that while I'm eating that my hands are shaking.  

"So what are you going to say to the others?  I have a feeling that G knows it's you," she tells me.  I put the sandwich on my lap for a minute to answer her. 

// Eh, if G knew I was me, he would have killed me yesterday.  As for what I'm going to say to the others, the same thing I said to Toriel and Frisk.  If they ask me if I have ever encountered a mage named Juliette, I'm going to lie and say that she was killed by the capitol while helping me escape// I tell her.  She's silent but then nods.  

"Okay, that's understandable.  I understand why you'd do that.  I doubt that anyone would want to tell the ones that exiled them the truth." 

    We sit in silence as I eat my sandwich and I notice that my HP is going up again.  Chara and I sit next to each other for a few minutes after I finish the sandwich and jump slightly when someone knocks on the door. 

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