Fragments: Qui

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They always have the same dream. Over and over, it kept repeating to the point that they have a shallow understanding of what it meant.

That figure always shows up, with hair contrast to their white ones.

They know who it was and why they always see her.

It was Qui. It was here(イル). It was always there and will never disappear.

It was their past. Their origin.

They will always dream of Qui(ᵐᵉ) because it was a reminder to never forget.

To always hate the world, and to always love it.

Because the world is where I(Qui) met them.

Those several worlds that are out of her reach.

They will always be the proof, their memories will be proof that she lived.

That she continues to hate.

And to love.

That is why they won't forget. No matter how much time will pass, even of they lock those memories away. It will always be there because they cannot forget.

Who is Qui?

Who is Qui?


It's YOU

It's ME

The ones behind the thousand of stories, possibilities, that could have given them a happy ending.

We hate because of the deaths, of the sufferings they went through.

And we love because of their story, their world, their powers, their everything.

You, Me, Qui, or Iru.

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