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I kept pondering over all the possible outcomes. They could ran away with my money. If that were to happen,it would be too late to report the case by then. Risk-taking  was a habit of mine though. I mean how exactly do you think I'd gotten to where I was? I made a great deal of sacrifices.
Without giving it much thought, I transferred the money to the account. I wasn't meticulous enough though. I had no means to contact them. I felt as though I had just donated to an orphanage. Thirty minutes later though, I received a phone call from an unknown number.
"We got the money. You played your part well pretty boy. Head down to Longeville Avenue around 1am. My men will bring your girl. Meet them down the back alley. Be sure to come alone." The line went dead before I could say anything.
The time said 11:00pm. I had two more hours to go. I had to do something to while away the time. I turned on my console and began playing away. Time does fly when you're having fun. Before I knew it, an hour and a half had already passed. I put on a pair of Nike sneakers,my favorite blue hood and a pair of ash sweatpants. I took my car keys and headed out.
The drive to Longeville Avenue was only twenty minutes. I got to my destination and still had a few minutes to spare...

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