Leave this all behind

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This is where it all began. The legends of many heroes lives on within him.

"The cold breeze dancing through the grass. The bright sunlight glowing over the land. The sound of a cascading waterfall in the distance. The smell of adventure still fresh in the depths of the forests beyond."

"Everything one could dream for. This is the beautiful land of Hyrule."

There was something strange that no one seen through yet, Many people have recognised the sacrifices that the princess and the hero had to go through. They all loved the princess, her beauty and her kindness.

They all loved the hero too, his strength and courage. But they couldn't see through him, even the princess couldn't figure him out. The silence was killing her.

The princess never saw any signs of emotion within him, he never talked about the struggles he must've faced while trying to recover his memories.

After calamity ganon was defeated, the princess asked the hero "may I ask... do you really remember me?" After waiting all that time... the princess never got his answer.

The days started going faster and seeing that the hero had finally vanquished the evil that once conquered the land, the princess told him to go home. She knew it would be better for him to be back at his household in Hateno village to gather his thoughts.

The princess decided she would go to Kakariko village while the hero heads to Hateno.

"Goodbye, link. I'll come visit when I can" the princess spoke to the hero, link, as she approached him from behind. After a couple minutes of silence, the princess was about to turn away when link turned around and grabbed her by the hand.

"Zelda... I'm sorry" but before the princess, Zelda, could turn around and reply Link was already walking far off into the distance.

Zelda didn't find any comfort in his words, she felt she had failed him. She thought about his words once more and yelled out.

"Link! I want you to know that I will always be here if you need someone to talk to" she was glad she said that. Because she knew that link had heard her, Zelda saw him smiling for the first time.

His smile, the smile that told you everything's alright, lingered in her mind as she traveled through to Kakariko. It was time he let down all those walls around him. Smiling to herself, Zelda crosses the bridge leading to Kakariko Village.
Mounting my horse, I start riding to Hateno village.

I'm Link, but best known as, The Hero... the title I never wanted. The blood of a thousand warriors lies within me. Blood I don't want running through my veins... I don't deserve the title Hero. As soon as I awoke the sword... that damned sword. That's where this all started.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a faint scream in the distance. Quickly and swiftly jumping off my horse I run towards the echoing scream. With my sword in one hand and shield in the other, I take a fighting stance.

Looking in all directions I couldn't pinpoint where the screaming was coming from... stopping in my tracks I can feel someone's, no, somethings gaze burning through me. Before I could turn around my vision started to blur. I use a tree to steady my balance, but before I could get back to my horse the sound of a wolf howling a sweet tune made me drop down to the ground. Tears flowed down my face for some unknown reason, then I was on the cold hard earth. Blackness clouded over my vision.

"Will you wreak vengeance on the land that held you in contempt? Or will you save it from its fate?" A strange almost angelic-like voice spoke to me. Before I could think about what to say my mouth opened on its own and I began to speak.
"Gods... humans... both of you seek the same answers from me. Only when it suits you. You use me..." there was a long pause. "But, needless to say... I'll always stand with my friends!"

I felt something cold on my lips. Opening my eyes, I look towards my left to see an elderly woman. "Ahh, you're awake. Please drink this, it will help you feel better" she lifted the bowl up, I raise my hand and grab her by the wrist. "I can drink it on my own." I take the bowl from her hands and let the liquid flow into my mouth.

"You're probably wondering where you are, we're in Hateno village. A traveler found you unconscious in the woods just near here, they brought you here." She spoke.

I put the bowl on a nearby table and sat up. "ahh, would you perhaps know where my stuff is? And what about my horse?" I can't believe I just blacked out like that. "Oh don't worry young one, they saw your horse near where you were found and assumed it was yours. I told them to bring the horse back here, they should be here soon" she stood up from where she was and went towards the door.

"Are you well enough to walk?" She asked, I nodded whilst slowly getting up. Walking out the door with her, I felt relieved when we saw a man walking towards us with my horse. "Thank you, ma'am, for helping me" I thanked her. She smiled at me. "Will you be alright? Do you have a place to stay for the night?" Hearing that startled me, I didn't even realise it was night.

"Yes, I actually live in a small house just a bit outside of town" I said pointing towards the bridge that leads to my house. "Well, do come around and visit. It's nice to have someone like you to liven up this place" she turned around and walked back inside her home.

"Hey! Your the one who owns this horse right?" I heard someone yell, turning around I see the traveler from earlier with my horse. "Yes, I believe so, thank you for all that you've done" I thanked him.

"Don't worry about it! Hey, correct me if I'm wrong but that's a champion's tunic isn't it? Wait-" before he could finish his sentence I grab his arm and pull him behind the old lady's house. "Yes, this is a champion's tunic. I not long ago bought a house here in this village and I'm planning on having a peaceful life, so could you please just forget about this.

"Oh, yeah I understand... sorry for asking. I won't tell a soul" he said before speed-walking off. Letting a sigh out I walk over to my horse and grab my hood and put it on.

After dismounting my horse I started preparing something to eat. Sitting down at my table, I ate my soup in silence.

I Sit my empty bowl in the sink. walking upstairs, I slowly take off my tunic. "Why is it such a burden to be the one who owns the title" I mumble.

Laying down in my bed, letting all of my worries fade away, I fall into a deep sleep.

"Link... follow the tune..." a soft voice speaks, suddenly I hear a tune playing towards my right side. Walking towards the sound I see sunlight shining down on a small figure, the figure held out something yellow. The tune stopped playing.

I walk closer and see it's a little girl with short green hair and she was wearing all green. "Link, I want you to take my ocarina..." I reach out my hand to take the instrument she was holding but everything started to fade away.

"Tell me who you are! Don't leave!" I shout. Blackness. There's no colour to be seen anywhere. Then there was a green flash in front of me, I take a step back only to fall over.

It was like I was falling in slow motion... I felt pressure against my back, assuming I hit the floor I then stopped falling. Before I could close my eyes, I see a figure laying next to me on their side. I turn my head in their direction to get a better look at who they were.

It looked like my own reflection. Except their blonde hair was faded and they wore a green tunic. "Wake up" it's voice rang in my ears as I slowly open my eyes.

Authors note:
I started writing this a while ago and I've joined up two chapters so that you guys don't have to read it separately. Anyway, there are 1448 words. I really hope you enjoy this, I might not be making another chapter for a while though so don't expect me to post another one soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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