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Blue as sky,
She cried, "Why?"
Dressed like royalty;
Thought it was cruelty.
Scent teasing,
Eyes alluring.
Reality this dark,
Your touch left a mark.
I uttered this, "Soulmate."
A phantom I can't wait.

c h a r m

Marbled floors, towering white pillars, and the picturesque night sky above; it was dreamy and an evening full of stars. The venue was inspired architecturally by the Acropolis in the late city of Athens. The dance floor where I stood illuminated as if magically while it was surrounded by dim and fairy light-looking floating lamps that lit the tables around.

I can't believe how beautiful this event was, I think this was supposed to be a gathering like a mixer but this was too formal for a mere 'mixer' or prom.

The music was slow, serene, and obviously a love song. I can feel the electrifying sensation from around but I did not know of the presence it was coming from. Perhaps, it was probably from all these lovesick couples dancing whilst I stood like a complete loser.

The girls looked like ladies and acted delicately. From tulle, balloon gowns, form-fitting, dramatic slits, assymetrical, blinding shimmers, to the most classic black dresses were worn and very much adorned; we all dolled up for this.

They each had their hair done in a specific and flattering way. Some resorted to effortless, maybe some straightening or curling; some had them in an updo and decorative hair accessories.

Their necks smelt of various perfumes: fruity, seductive, floral, and much more. Thankfully, none of them are overpowering and nose-scrunching. They all suited their wearers.

Men, on the other hand, cleaned up. Their clothing variant was boring, of course. What else will be there than a tuxedo and some bartender-worthy ensembles. They do differ in colors and fits. The fun and outgoing ones, I presume, wore some bright colors and even pinks; composed and serious types wore neutrals and were all perfectly tailored from head to toe.

I loved how some wore hats as an accessory and others' hair were fixed into place by gel, mousse, or whatever. They acted like gentlemen, unlike their usual demeanor and basically boys being boys. Tonight, they were all manly. Probably some with a pint of alcohol in their system, presumably the champagne or tequila sunrise kicking in.

I am myself guilty of being someone different from my ordinary persona. Normally, I would never have this straight of a posture and poise this regal. Still, I was alone.

This was my dream although I would never admit. I always believed things like this were stupid and filled with snobby rich people. For a second, I almost forgot how to walk this 3-inch heels as this was not what I usually have on my feet. I feel like Cinderella transformed by a fairy godmother.

My gown was in my favorite colour--royal blue. The top draped nicely and hugged my waist like a corset does. It was adorned by small pearls, sequins, and I think quite a carat of diamond was present; the stitching was extremely intricate and it was off the shoulder but still managed to stay in place.

A tulle-like shimmery fabric complimented my shoulders and the low neckline showcased a little bit of my cleavage but was acceptably modest. This dress was made by hand and designed to my liking and to compliment my proportions.

Soulmate (a one shot)Where stories live. Discover now