Chapter:1"Late Night Talks"

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Hey guys your lovely author is back. I think that I am lovely, Maybe or maybe not.

Whatever. Today is Timinette Tuesday. Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Timinette for life. This is the first chapter of the story-line. If you want you can request me one shots of your choice. I don't mind if the requests are for platonic timinette or poly of Tim and Marinette with other batboys or others. Just don't ask for mlb characters to be in poly with Timinette. Requests are open.

I hope you enjoy my newest story.


It was Marinette's usual super boring like everyday time in Gotham. She was happily roaming on the streets. She wanted to take in everything she could before leaving. She had been a street kid since she was 5. Her parents died in the hands of Joker. She was put into a foster system at 4 year age. She got new parents who treated her like some machine constantly overworking and abusing her.She was then given another set of parents then another and another. She was done, so done that she ran, ran away from everyone. That day she was in some alley crying when a street girl came to her and asked why was she crying?

"My parents died. They keep giving me to new people. They beat me...."Her answer was cut off by a sob. The girl was familiar with the feeling. She took her with herself to a safe place. There with other street kids she learned how to be a street kid. She got a new family and she couldn't be happier.

She was roaming on the streets when she saw a boy on the rooftop. She landed near him quietly. Then she touched his shoulder gently. He was startled and turned his head to face her,"Who are you?"

"I am Marinette. What is your name?"

"What are you doing here?"

She giggled at his tone,"I was just roaming in the streets when I saw you here. What are you doing on the rooftop this late? You don't look like a street kid."

"You are a street kid?"

"Yes. Are your parents okay with you sitting out here?"

"My parents don't even care."

"Why don't we ask each other questions? Then we will both try to answer it the best."

"Ok."His tone was telling her that he was still wary of her.

"Are you not going to introduce yourself?"

"Oh! I am sorry.Where are my manners-"He took her hand and brought it to his lips gently"-my name is Tim, Marinette."

Marinette giggled and then curled on the floor laughing,"Where did you learn that?It's so ticklish and funny."

"I saw my dad doing it when we were at the party. He told me that's how to be a Gentleman."

Her giggling stopped and her lip trembled,"Thank you Tim."

"Why are you crying? I am so sorry."

Her eyes filled with tears ad she found them running down her cheeks,"Oh its not your fault. Its been long since I've laughed so much. It just triggered a memory. My Mamma and Papa were killed by the Joker. When you kissed my hand the tickling feeling reminded me of when Papa used to tickle me that's all."

"Tell me about them. They seemed very nice."

Marinette lit up at that,"Papa was very big. Everyone got afraid of him once they saw him. One day...-"

They fell into a nice little conversation at that.

"Your family seemed very nice."

"They were the nicest parents in the whole world. What is that in your hand?"

"It's a camera."

"The one with which we click photos?"

"Yes, you haven't seen it before?"

"Maybe. I do remember that I had photos but my first parents burnt them saying that I don't need them, they are gone for good."The last line was merely a whisper.She blinked the tears away. Tim changed the topic.

"Why don't we take photos together? I will teach you I am just watching the vigilantes of the city. I take their photos."

Marinette perked up at that,"Timmy, is this your hobby? You are very good."

Tim was shocked at the nickname but quickly recovered and said smiling,"Thank you. My parents are rarely at home so I decided I will do something productive. I am figuring out Batman's identity."

Marinette had stars in her eyes,"OOOH, Can I join you please. I get bored too. I will teach you how to make cookies."

Tim smiled wider,"Of course you can Nettie.But how do you know to make cookies?"

"My father used to sing me recipes so I remember them and when I was about 2, I used to sit near them and see them work. I will teach you too."

They sat in comfortable silence for some time. Tim was the one who break it.



"You know how to write?"

Marinette rubbed her neck and laughed nervously,"I don't know much. I only remember writing a few sentences."

Tim's smile widened."I can teach you. My house is mostly empty, you can come there and we both will teach each other what we know."

"That is a great idea. Friends"She held out her hand for him to shake.

She was taken by surprise when he hugged her tightly,"Friends."

She felt very good. In fact they both were feeling very good. Maybe that's because they were touch-deprived.

"I used to love hugging but since my parents died no one hugs me."Her voice broke and she started crying. He patted her back and wiped her tears away,"You can always hug me, Nettie."

With one last hug, they said their goodbyes,"See you tomorrow, Nettie."

"See you tomorrow, Timmy."

With that being said they went on their ways.

Maybe talking to strangers in the middle of the night isn't that bad.


Awww, newfound friendship between two adorable little kids. Batman beware now you have a supercute  duo stalking you. Your identity is not going to stay secret, not with these two geniuses on your tail.

I hope you liked it guys.



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