Part 1

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Ai first saw Uzumaki Naruto in the academy with his head down, fast asleep at his desk. She was new to Konohagakure having moved from Kirigakure and was enrolled into the academy in her year, just two months before the graduation exam. Ai thought he was the sun with his bright yellow hair and bright chakra. And it wasn't until the end of class when she would get to see his piercing blue eyes. Ai was always an observer, always looking around her surroundings since she was a child and her mother always told her she'd make an amazing sensory ninja when she grew older, if that's what she wanted to be of course. Ai took notice of how Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino would scold and yell at Naruto as if he were a nuisance. She took notice of how Hyuuga Hinata had an extreme crush on Naruto, always admiring him from afar and blushing in his direction. Ai was sure that if she focused enough, she would be able to sense how rapid Hinata's heart was beating whenever she looked at him. She took notice at how Naruto would sometimes either not show up for class at all or show up late, their class sensei Umino Iruka dragging him in and scolding him for some obnoxious prank he had done. She took notice of how hard Naruto tried when he wanted to, the effort he put into wanting to be better and even though he would fail, he wouldn't give up. By the time it came to the graduation exam and Naruto had failed, Ai knew how upset he must've been and had decided to seek him out for the first time since she had moved to the village. As she jumped over roof tops, she noticed the abnormal amount of jounin and chunnin running around the village in a frenzy. What or who they were looking for was a mystery to her and she wasn't an Inuzuka with great hearing to listen in on the ones talking. Eventually she found Naruto, his mix of blue and orange chakra making him stand out among the two that were near him. She had mentally thanked her mother for the endless hours of sensory training for the past three years. When Ai had arrived she stayed up on a tree branch, just barely making sense of what Iruka-sensei was saying to Naruto and one of the other academy sensei's that she recognized as Mizuki. Ai couldn't help but smile at the scene below her, nodding a little in fulfillment before turning and making her way back home. Naruto was in good hands and would make a fine ninja.

It would be awhile before Ai would see Naruto Uzumaki. Another two months come and gone before she was asked to assist Team 7 on a mission. See, the day after their academy graduation they were assigned to teams. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha were placed on Team 7. On that day, everyone's name was called and put into teams, but not Ai. She had sat in her seat watching as jounin after jounin came in and called for their teams until it was just her and Team 7. It was Sakura Haruno that had walked up to her and spoken to her for the first time that day as the four of them waited in the empty classroom. Ai remembers sitting with her legs crossed and hands folded in her lap when Sakura had walked up the steps and stood beside her asking if she was okay and that maybe Iruka-sensei had simply forgotten to call her name or that someone would come in with some sort of explanation. Ai never did get to answer her before Sakura's eye twitched and she had turned to yell at Naruto for a prank he was deciding to pull on their sensei. She had watched as a gloved hand opened the door and the dirty chalk board eraser fell on a head of silver. The man had boredly looked at his three students before saying he disliked them. He had looked up in her direction and she couldn't help but snicker at him, of course Ai knew who he was but she didn't make it obvious. He had simply stared at her for a moment before having his new genin team meet him on the roof of the building. And then Ai was left alone. She waited five more minutes, fighting with herself on whether or not she should just leave, she would schedule a meeting with the Hokage or one of the academy teachers to see what had happened with her being placed on a team. Just as she stood up, a frazzled man entered into the classroom, he seemed out of breath and had hunched over to rest his hands on his knees. He introduced himself as Konami Ko and he was to be her mentor, Ai had simply nodded and figured she would have time to delve more into what exactly Konami meant by that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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