Chapter Five

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"Ariana!"I growled.Lately she's super annoying.Like really annoying.She hasn't been like this to everyone,only me.She's treating me like a big brother,which I guess is sweet,except she treats her "Brother" like an evil villain.I just hope that she doesn't have a crush on me.But this joke was driven too far.

"What is it,Percy?!"She asked sweetly.She was standing in my doorway.

"Why would you do that?!"Here she seemed stuck with her words.It's not like I even played a prank back on her.Because I could easily soak every single item in her room,but I feel bad to do that to someone so cute,because once she ties her long red hair in two braids held by bows and sparkles her bright green eyes wide,I can't do it.And also I'm afraid to drown her because if I control sink water how do I know I might not overdo it and control the ocean.This time she woke me up by setting off so much light it almost burned my eyes.

"I,uh...I'm Sorry,"She said sincerely.I was steaming,but seeing her again with her cute little ginger pigtails in golden bows...It was hard to shake off the apology.

"Alright,"I grunted,rubbing my eyes.She was only 15 years old,so I think she's being a suck up because most 15 year olds don't wear bows and pigtails.But with a knife and a bow shes a maniac.I got up,and grabbed a banana in the dining pavilion and went in my room to play a video game.Along with the saving the world gig,I save the computer world too.It was,like,5:00 AM and I went back to sleep once I was killed on the video game.My dream was very vivid,as if I were there.My heart ached,from remembering.My apartment building in flames,my mother screaming for me not to go in.In dream form I was from a high angle watching the whole scene.Leo's Festus had backfired as they left,and set the apartment building on flames.Everyone managed to escape,except for three pour souls.All of my friends and my mother were there.My mother was crying desperately for me to not go in,except I ran in anyway.But I do not regret doing what I did.Except for a burn on my thigh I have no real injuries from it...In fact I saved two lives.Paul blowfish was staggering around in a daze,trying to escape,I grab his arm and dragged him out of the building.But Ariana sat injured in her bottom bunk,unable to move.That was when she was in her coma.Probably why I went in to rescue her,if she wasn't I would probably have let her burn.She might've survived it,being the daughter of Apollo.

Ow! Stop slapping me,I was kidding!

Anyway,as soon as Paul blowfish fell on the sidewalk in safety I ran back in.

"Let Leo do it!"Piper shouted in tears.But Leo was no where to be seen.

"Perciceus Liam Jackson!Get your behind back here this instant!"My mother shouted.But I kept running,needing to save a life.

"Your only flaw...You friends." Hera's words rang through my head.But I thought,"I can leave Hera in the dust." As I watched this I still think that.I'm sure I gave Annabeth and my mother quite a scare,but I would never live with myself if someone died and I could help with it.

My view was now in the apartment,watching myself run through the burning building,coughing and wheezing,but this was nothing to the noxious air in Tartarus.The fire was what Kind had to worry about,so I avoided it at all costs.My hair was singed and my shoe was on fire so I ripped it off and threw it into the fire. I dashed through our apartment and saw Ariana was up.She was weezing and coughing,but a large fire rock was in our bathroom.Ariana tried to get to the floor so she wouldn't consume as much smoke.I examined the rock for about two seconds and realized it was an asteroid and that Festus didn't start the fire, then ran and to Ariana and picked her up.Her hair was not in pigtails,because I'm sure she doesn't want to wear them,they're just an advantage to not getting in trouble for a prank.He ran and ran out the door,except a fire ball launched itself at Percy's head.Ariana kicked him and he fell leaving her to have the fireball to hit her and leave him two feet from her.

"Ariana!"I bellowed and got up to reach her,for I ran into the apartment to save her and she tried to sacrifice herself.But instead of the fire consuming her whole,her hair burned bright like the sun and the fireball hit her long hair,making it look like her hair absorbed it all up.I knew I couldn't take a second to wonder what happened so I picked her up and ran out with her in my arms.They had a stretcher for me and people trying to sit me on it.But I told them off and set Ariana on it anyway.She still has a scar on her shoulder from the Imperial Gold injury,but back at that time she had a huge gash still on her shoulder and it started to ooze some neon yellow goo from it.Her hair was completely normal.Well,as normal as ginger hair goes.The vision ended there.

I haven't told anyone about her hair since,and I don't even think Ariana remembers it herself.

Long chapter :3 As long as wattpad story chapters go...Do you think Ariana is a good name for her?Comment your recommendations,I'm all ears.


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