Chapter 8: What's a Date?

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When I woke up the next morning I felt amazing. Looking around I noticed Drew asleep next to me and smiled. Holy crap! I didn't have any nightmares last night! Shaking Drew’s shoulders I woke him up to tell him the good news "Drew, Drew, Drew, wake up! Wake up! Guess what?"

 "Bophelia shut up, holy crap why are you such a morning person.” He grumbled, accidently pushing me making me fall off the bed.

 All of a sudden I was on the ground rubbing my butt, which seemed to have taken all of the impact. "Ouch." I mumbled before bursting into laughter.

 "Oh shit Bo I'm so sorry are you okay?" he asked looking over the bed at my fallen body and bursting into laughter himself when he realized that I was laughing. "That’s what you get for waking up a non-morning person." He stated laughing at me.

 "Yeah well it's definitely not going to happen again geez Mr. grumpy gills sorry." I replied mockingly. His hair was sticking up on all ends making me laugh. He had quite the bed hair in the mornings. No wonder he wasn’t a morning person.

 He slumped back on the bed covering his eyes with his arm. "What did you wake me up for anyway?"

 "Oh!" I exclaimed just now remembering, I jumped back onto the bed ignoring my butt, "I didn't have any nightmares! That was the first night in a really long time that it hasn't happened!"

 Drew smiled broadly at me, "really? Bo that's amazing, that's great! What do you think made them stop?" 

 "I don't know... the only thing I did different was.... was you?" I said incredulously.

 He chuckled, "yeah cause I made a difference in your sleeping patterns." he accused, sarcastically.

 "Honestly Drew I think you might have, I mean it makes sense. You’ve told me my whole life that you'd always be by my side, I feel safe around you at all times, and I'm completely relaxed whenever I'm around you. It makes sense that having you nearby relaxes my brain too. You helped me sleep better, so thank you." I said lovingly.

 "Well IF I had anything to do with it, which I probably didn't, you are very welcome me lady." he replied smiling "what time is it by the way?" he asked looking out the window.

 I checked my phone, "holy crap Drew were going to be late for school!" I yelled grabbing some clothes and running to the bathroom. "Go get ready I'll see if my dad left yet, maybe he can drop us off."

 "Yes ma'am.”

 I washed my face and changed my clothes throwing my hair up in a pony and rushed downstairs in record time, "dad? Are you still here?" I called, while running down the stairs. When I came down he was holding two bagels in his hands and his car keys. He was dressed casually instead of in his uniform and his stubble was definitely growing in more now. Sooner or later he was going to have a fairly nice beard.

 "I'm guessing Drew had a late morning too?" he asked, handing me the bagels.

 I nodded my head and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. "I love you, but you could have just woken me up." I said before remembering that Drew fell asleep in my room, maybe it’s a good thing he didn’t come to wake me up.

 "Yeah well I like teaching you a lesson and this lesson is to wake up early enough in the morning so that you can shower and enjoy a delicious breakfast,” my dad said matter-of-factly.

 "Yeah, yeah whatever" I responded bitterly rolling my eyes and heading out the door, "come on pops Drew’s already waiting." I yelled spotting Drew leaning against the car.

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