Chapter 1 - The Journey

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Hey everybody! This is a Vic fanfic as I feel there is a lack of Pierce The Veil related fanfics on here... hopefully this won't be rubbish, please give me some feedback if you like it/if you can tell me how to improve.. thanks! :-) <3

Kayleigh's P.O.V

"Would you hurry up, we're going to miss the god damn plane!" yelled Rose, from the doorway of the small and really expensive shop, but airport shops are always way too overprised. Rose, myself and my other best friend Jas were finally going to America, we'd wanted to go since High School. It seemed like such an amazing place, and Rose had family out in San Diego that she'd never met, and since she wants to meet them and we were planning on going out there, why not get a place there? My thoughts about our new home were interrupted by another shout which attracted a few odd looks from an elderly couple browsing the sandwiches.

"I said hurry up, unless you don't want to go to America?" she shouted with a sarcastic tone.

"Of course I want to go to bloody America, I'm here aren't I?" I yelled back, trying to find a can of Monster. Jas ran up to Rose, huffing and puffing.

"What are you doing?!" she snapped at her.

"It's not me, it's Kay!" she snapped back, pointing in my direction.

"Ladies please, stop shouting through-out the shop" glared the woman at the till. Urgh, where the hell was the cans of Monster?! Could you even take cans on the plane, I wondered... My thoughts were interrupted by Jas grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the shop, resulting in me tripping over and hitting my knee on one of the lower shelves, knocking multiple boxes of Maltesers from the top on top of me.

"Ah shit" I cursed as one smacked me on the head.

"Oh bloody hell" Jas said under her breath, pulling me up.

"Excuse me, can you pick those up please?" said the woman, still glaring. We didn't have time... it was either Maltesers or America? I vote America. I suddenly took off, pulling Jas who grabbed Rose's wrist to pull her with us running off, the lady yelled after us but we didn't look back, what a great start this was...

We finally arrived at the gate, the woman look startled as we arrived breathing heavily and looking rather hot and bothered. Rose reached into her bag, handing over all the necessary pieces of paper, the lady checked them through and directed us to the airplane we needed to board.

"Just in time!" she smiled, you could tell it was fake as we stepped outside. God it was cold, I really was not going to miss the weather here one little bit. I was quite nervous if I was perfectly honest, and a little bit sad to be leaving my family and friends, but at least I had Rose and Jas, the two girls that meant the world to me.

"This is it" grinned Jas, as we looked down from the steps we'd climbed to reach the airplane door. We gave each other a hug, almost as like a goodbye to England, I was going to miss it here but America really was the way forward, I knew it. A rather cheery woman with a massive smile plastered on her face greeted us, it startled me a bit at first. Rose did the talking and the woman directed us through, Rose immediatly sat down and moved up for Jas to sit down next to her.

"There's only two seats here" Rose said slowly. Great, so know I have to sit with a bunch of strangers for 11 hours.

"Thanks guys" I said as I walked further up the middle isle. I looked around and saw an empty seat by the window, and then I looked who was sitting there and I had to double take for a second. The two faces I saw looked very similar, but I couldn't really put a name on them. Where the hell do I recognise them from?

"Excuse me" I said, approaching a man with big sunglasses on his face. "Is it possible I can sit with you both? There aren't any other seats..." I explained, half wondering why he was wearing sunglasses when we were in England and it was October...

"Yeah, of course" smiled the other man sat next to him, I put my bag in the over head locker and pushed past them as they moved so I could sit down.

"Thank you so much" I smiled, he just nodded. I sat down and immediatly fastened my seatbelt, pulling it as tight as I possibly could. I then glanced out the window and looked back again, shut my eyes and leant back. This was going to be interesting, especially as I hate airplanes... It was typical the flight was 11 hours as well, as much as I wanted to go I damn well didn't want to take a plane there. The plane eventually slowly started moving and I took a tight grip on the arms of the chair, letting out a couple of deep breaths.

"I take it you're not the biggest fan of airplanes?" asked the man next to me, he had longish hair, a beanie hat and a nose piercing. He was actually really cute.

"No, not at all" I laughed. My heart raced as we stopped ready for the fast part.

"It'll be find, just relex" he said, gently placing his hand on mine for comfort, which was nice of him. I was almost a little surprised, it's not often a cute guy shows interest in me. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden rush of the airplane speeding off down the runway, I let out a little squeak, oh god. He laughed at me, tightening his grip a little bit. Minutes passed and I eased, before I knew it we were in the air and we could take off our seatbelts, which I was NOT doing. I shut the cover thing on the window, I did not want to see down below. By now he had taken his hand off of mine and was making small talk with the other man.

"Sorry, I hope this isn't too rude but I recognise you from somewhere, and I can't put my finger on it" I said, still rather puzzled.

"No that's okay, and we're from Pierce The Veil, a band. You might of heard of us?" said the one with long hair and the nose piercing. Oh of course! I didn't really listen to them, but I knew of them! Their song King For A Day was one I recognised!

"Oh my god, I knew I recognised you from somewhere! Awesome, a plane journey with an awesome band haha" I said, trying to sound polite but not too weird. Okay, that did sound weird. I felt my cheeks burning a little... fuck.

"Thank you, that's really kind" said the man on the end. I smiled and settled back into my seat, wow.  The man on the end had gotten my bag for me, so I decided to pull out my iPod and shut my eyes. I shuffled through my songs, and decided on Second & Sebring by Of Mice & Men.

"Nice choice" I heard the man next to me say.

"Thanks, great band" I smiled back. I take it he knows them personally, rather jealous not going to lie.

"They are, and lovely people too, so fucking funny" he laughed to himself.

"Yeah, Austin especially seems hilarious from interviews I've seen"

"Yeah, crazy guy! I'm Vic by the way, and this is my brother Mike" he introduced. Mike seemed quite quiet, and almost un-interested which was fair enough as he didn't know me, where as Vic seemed a bit more outgoing which was nice, as I didn't want to be all lonely for 11 hours.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kayleigh, well Kay if you'd prefer but I somewhat respond to both" I replied and he laughed.

"Great to meet you Kay. I can tell your British, holiday is it?" he asked, actually looking interested which was un-expected. Most people wouldn't give a shit where the random person they had to sit next too was going and the reason why.

"No, I'm actually moving to San Diego. Yeah, I've never been there before, infact I've never been to America and I'm not going alone, my friends Rosemary and Jasmine are ahead, well Rose and Jas as I call them." I rambled on. Oh god.

"That's rad, we're from San Diego, but originally Mexican and also part Irish. You probably didn't need to know that but what harm can it do! We just finished a tour out here, it's so cold" he said, as if to look out the window at the sky but couldn't due to the cover thingy as I didn't even want to acknowledge how high we were.

"Awesome, yeah the weather's one thing I'm not going to miss" I giggled, he laughed too. I settled back into my seat as the conversation ended, perhaps this wasn't going to be a boring journey after all.

Sorry if it's not that good, it has to start off slow I'm afraid! But please, if you read please check back for another part soon and thank you so much for taking the time to reach this point! Feedback would be awesome, and a vote would be even better :D Next part will be very soon! Ignore any spelling mistakes haha! Also, I will appologise for any 'bad language' in this fanfic, but it has to be realistic... :-) <3

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