Chapter Five- No, No, She Can't Be.

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(Trigger Warnings- Grief, Heart Attacks May Be Interpritated Wrong And Main Character "Death.") And pretty much a bad story line.

I woke up unlike any other day, sprung out of bed, brushed my hair, got dressed and slouched about on the sofa watching the news with my parents. I loved my parents, they can be snappy but that's just human.

Today didn't end up being a normal day, infact I wish I never watched the news that day, I should've relaxed in on the patio or rode my bike, hell I could've strolled about to my friends house. But no, I didn't suspect anything, anything at all.

The news broadcast automatically switched onto every channel, which confused me at first because this only happens during global emergencies however this channel was for our city anyways, so something big must've happened in the area. Silent I complied to the unset rules and listened precisely as I should of.

Hello, ******* I'm reporting a series of massacres last night, revolving around the Woods family they own a real estate business and are well known to be the model family for hundreds across the country. Despite this, their son (Jeffery Woods) had an incident that burnt his face behind the public eye and was only known by certain members of the town due to the reports being legally taken down by the Woods family themselves.

It seems that wasn't going to stop them getting the spotlight as their son just days afterwards conducted a series of homicides concluding his parents, older brother and the neighbours next door. The neighbours were down as the Richardsons and they had a very cheerful girl and a postive life style.

Liu Woods and Jane Richardson have both miraculously survived Jeffs brutal stabbings, however Jane had fled the hospital and is now being reported missing. We can only ho-

"JANE!" I screeched, already feeling the tears rolling down my face and began to hyperventilate automatically alerting my concerned parents who stared at both me and the TV in shock. "NO NO NO! IT'S GOT TO BE SOMEONE ELSE!"

I cried into my tears, head pounding, I couldn't hear the news-reporter anymore I could just hear a buzzing swirl of mumbles.

"Hey, sweetie calm down, come on surely enough they'd come over for information on her. After all you've been publicly dating her for months dear." Mum reassured me rubbing my back while Dad looked at the floor nervously, he'd always had anxiety ever since he was a teen, I wouldn't expect him to help.

I nodded and sniffled into my mother shoulder, as she stroked my hair, I tried to convince myself it wasn't my Jane, not my sweetheart. Not my only love. Not the person I cared about.

But, then someone knocked on the door; in matter of fact two young officers knocked on they wore a black outfit and the pocket on their shoulder had police written in big bold white letters, they also had a radio clipped to their belts.

Dad sighed sympathetically looked down at me before flashing a quick bright smile, then he let the two officers in. One male and one female both being an average weight and both having dark autumn brown hair.

"Is this at a wrong time?" The woman questioned glancing over at me while the man checked over some yellow form.

"No, no, Mary's fine talking to the officers, aren't you?" Mum ushered soothingly walking her hands through my hair.

" we're not here for anything like that. We need to know where'd she suspect her to be hiding. Or is there any hidden ditches nearby."

I froze, "Y-You're not saying she's...d-dead?"

"It's a possibly, yes, I'm sorry but can we please sit down and I'm sure I can sort this out, okay dear?"

I shook my head, "She's...she's...not...d-dead, right?"


That's when It happened.

My chest begun to tighten, it felt like an elephant was stomping on it or it was being squeezed, compressed almost.

Like an ice pick was chipping away stuck inside me, my body begun to tingle and feel cold like I'd been taken over by pins and needles.

I begun to spin feeling nauseated, chest feeling a sudden feeling of doom then my chest tightened again and my knees begun to tremble.

I couldn't see or hear anyone or anything my eyes were squeezed shut at first but then they just drooped half way unable to process anything but blurs.

That tingling feeling radiated down my arm from my chest, i felt overwhelmingly cold.

I tried to breath but I could, I wanted her back. Where was she gone?

I wanted go collapse, I heard the police ringing the ambulance and my mum and dad panicking around me but it all just spun.

It felt like all the grief of the sudden panic just thrown itself onto me, and i begun hyperventilating again. Panting leaning over and throwing up.

Before I knew it I was on my hands and knees crying about how tight my chest was feeling my heart was slamming against my ribs, it hurt.


She's gone. She's gone. She's gone.

My head was slamming against itself like a psycho had just invaded my mind and tried to kill me from the inside.

I didn't expect her to be gone. I want her to come back home, I want her back.

I begun coughing up vomit and mucus again, collapsing onto the floor infront of the officers and I heard the ambulance arriving, the sirens hardly audible like a wailing child next door the sounds sounded foreign, really distant like my ears had popped just like they would on an airplane.

I threw up again as I tried to push myself onto my knees, I'd thrown myself into a state of shock and I wasn't able to exhale without whimpering or screaming but the sound was cut off by my lack of breath.

So, of course I'd overrun myself...

And I slipped into unconsciousness.

Healing Hearts And Broken Parts, Mary Vaughn (Richardson), My AUWhere stories live. Discover now