The Care-Free Cattails Part 2

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I turn my head to find a young male, around twelve years old. He has black hair and blue eyes. He has pale skin and a square face.
"What?" I ask.
"Um, you were talking out loud." he replies, sitting down next to me.
I look down, ripping more grass pieces and throwing them into the lake.
"You're right. There's death and sadness and fear and murder. And here, well it's just so much more appealing. But what happens to someone when they are murdered?"
"They die." I say.
"And are honored by their friends and family. What happens to the friends and family?" he questions.
"More sadness for them." I mutter under my breath.
"And others comfort them to make them feel better. And what exactly happens to the murderer?"
"Jail." I reply, louder than before.
"But they have an attorney to help them. Right?"
I don't reply, and he takes that as a 'Yes'.
"Don't you see? There's death and sadness and evil in this world, but there more of honor and love and care! There's honor when someone burries a dead loved one! Love when humans comfort eachother! Care when someone does something for someone even though they don't want to or don't need to! All there is is love! More and more love! We all love eachother! Why am I telling you this? Because I care! I love! I honor! Maybe the cattails across the lake have it easy, but I'm human. You're human! And that's what we do best. We love."
I think for a minute and he gets up and walks away during that minute that seems like an hour.
I look up and stare at the sun.
I care. It hurts.
I bite my tounge and throw a piece of grass into the lake.
"I'm human." I repeat, "You're human. And that's what we do best." I stare at the swaying cattails. Weak but strong. Detailed but dull. Beautiful and ugly. Care-free.
"We love." I whisper.

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