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Let me tell you buddy, there's a gunslinger

Coming over yonder, when dawn has come

Let me tell you buddy, this story wont be long

You will find yourself the Gunslinger of Arizona

The man with no name come to this town

With his beautiful with Arabian Mare

Hardly spoke to folks around him

He didn't have too much to say

Folks are watching the man as he call Red Jack

To finish their old bussiness, with a duel

In this town live an outlaw by the name of Red Jack

Many Posse try to take him, many who try were dead

He's unforgiven and vicious, nobody dare to stand against him

His tally is numbered one and 76 more and will be 77 more

Now it's almost midday it was time for them to meet

It was eleven past fifty when they walked out in the street

Folks are watching from distance, and held their breath

They know this old stranger would meet his demise

There was fifty feet between them

When they stopped to make their duel

And the swiftness of the stranger is still a legend today

Red jack had not cleared leather for a bullet fairly hit

And the man aim was deadly, with the Navy Ranger on his hip

Now it's over and town folk gather around.

Before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground

Now his bussiness over, the man head out from town

With his trusted Mare he give farewell to the townfolks

Who remember him as "the Stranger with no name from Arizona"

Nothing is Written : a poem collectionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant