Not important,,, just clearing something up

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Sorry if the grammar and spelling is trash in this

I've been asked a few times if I'm trans. 👹

On Wattpad I've gotten comments on my name changing from Natalia to Tal, and on Instagram (not the insta in my bio,,, a different one), people seem to think that having pronouns in your bio means you're trans.

So, no, I'm not transgender. My pronouns are she/her btw

I don't put my pronouns in my bio on here because I know that wattpad is such an accepting platform, and I honestly couldn't care less what pronouns people use for me here

Instagram definitely has less accepting people, so I think it's important to put my pronouns in my bio to push the idea that trans people shouldn't be alienated just because they don't want to be misgendered online

Now onto my name change on here

Tal is a nickname for Natalia

I used to have my real name, but it felt weird to have people in my safe space call me the same name as my homophobic family or people I know irl.

wHy DiDn'T yOu JuSt Go WiTh "NaT"

I have a lot of nicknames 

Nat, Natal, Tia, etc.

I thought Tal was the coolest & nobody calls me Tal irl

So yeah.

I don't care what pronouns you use for me or what name you call me by, I just prefer Tal and she/her here :)))))))

Ok bye lmao

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