10,000 letters

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I wrote 10,000 letters,
for my children to know.
That if I'm no longer with them, somethings they should know.
When I'm not able to be with them and I can't hold their hand,
There are things I want them to know and things to understand.
I know you'll be looking for my face, in different things you see ,
And searching for answers, that what missing me brings.

But I know you'll feel comfort,
When you read what I wrote,
As you will hear my loving voice as you read from my qoutes.
Take a trip to the beach and look out to the sky. See the clouds around you and don't question why?
They will change and they will fall, into things that make you smile,
You look out to the sun and feel my presence for a while.

Take off your shoes, and put your feet in the sand .
squished your toes all around, Feel me holding your hand,
Feel the warmth of the sun and the breeze from the sea,
know that I am always with you and you were always with me.

I wrote 10,000 letters, for my children to know.
That if I'm no longer with them, there somethings they should know.
When I'm not able to be with them and I can't hold their hand ,
there things I want them to know and things to understand.

When the City is dark and your feeling quite low, When friends are far away and your all on your own,
Look into the night sky and see the moon shine on your face,
This is my love transforming and making you feel safe.
I know things can feel hard, And life can get tough,
but remember the love we shared, it was alway enough.
Takes time to heal pain,
takes time to get over loss.
But that's why I wrote 10,000 letters, just to make it for us.

I wrote 10,000 letters, for my children to know.
That if I'm no longer with them there somethings there something they should know.
When I'm not able to be with them and I can't hold their hand ,
there things I want them to know ,
things they should understand.

When you need to feel me close. and ask me questions why?
Take comfort in the reading of all the information I supplied,
The love that I have for you !
It will take me to the end,
The world that surround us, is our only friend.
I'm wrapping my love around you And keeping you all real close,
Because I'm in everything around you,
Even when you burn your toast.
It takes time to see the comfort and in the things that surround you,
but you know that is me because,I have 10,000 things left to show you.

It takes time to see the comfort and in the things that surround you, but you know that is me because,I have 10,000 things left to show you

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