Chapter 1

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Savana’s POV

The doors groaned as they were opened. A bright light peeked through the door and was immediately drowned out by the harsh flashlight of our captors. I hid in the corner as they dragged another unfortunate girl towards the doors; I knew what happened from then. They clean her up, and give her a nice meal, people come in to put on her Make-Up… and then the real game begins. A cold, cruel chain collar is snapped across her neck, it’s so tight she can barely breathe. They drag her through the streets and roads, until they reach the Auction Bowl. The Auction Bowl is where they take the poor female and her to the wall. Once she is secure they inject her with a drug that muffles her senses. It might feel like she is floating, but in reality she is injected so that when she has been bought, she will not make a fuss while they unchain her and throw her into the small, dark cart. From then on… She is property of the Master, or the person who bought her. They will bring her to the CareCenter for a proper marking. Mainly all they do, is stuff a red hot poker with the owners name on it on her right shoulder.

The girl’s screams were fading as they closed the door. I would feel sorry for her, if I wasn’t so terribly focused on as how to make myself as unattractive as possible.  I was rubbing mud in my skin and hair, coating myself with sweet water so bugs would bite me and, giving my smooth skin blemishes. By far, the most dangerous attempt was to try and cut my arms and legs with a stone. Before I could do any real damage, a guard (a sickly perverse one at that) had tried reasoning with me that there was no reason to try and adorn my skin with ugly cuts that would only prevent my Selection. He was touching my arms, my hair, and my knees. I gave a disgusted shudder and let him…. Read between the lines of my pale, grimy fingers. My best cell mate, Ghraice, snorted as he glared at me with distain.  He looked at her and slowly frowned. I knew what was coming, and I tried to rush over there and prevent it as fast as I could. The words left his mouth before I could get two steps in distance.

“What… is that?!”

Ghraice’s face fell, and her eyes filled with tears. The guard sneered and laughed when he finally realized that she was weeping. He bellowed out, “You really think, that someone’s going to bid on YOU? The muck on the bottom of my boot looks better than your face!!”

My face turned beet red. I stood up, and struck the guard across the face and retorted’

“Really, because she appears 38 times more attractive than you ever would. Your poor mother probably thought she was cursed because of the ogre that came out of her womb. Why, I’m surprised the people in your division didn’t just kill you so they wouldn’t have to look at your horrible face anymore. I would, because I know a repulsive slug like you-“

Before I could finish, he had slapped me across the cheek leaving a bruise. His face looked so distorted that I even felt a small shiver of fear for what he might do to me, but it was quickly replaced by a look of pure loathing hatred. He yelled out the door and four more guards came rushing in, their weapons in hand. He screamed in their faces, “I want these two sent to the Nexus and locked up for one moon!!” The guards were gagging Ghraice, and trying to gag me, before the slug asked me something,” You got anything else to say?”

As I was being dragged out the door into the harsh light filled hallway I screamed at him,” The truth hurts doesn’t it?!?!?!”

His face contorted into a boiling mass of red. He stomped over to where I was, and kicked me across the face.

The last thing I heard was Ghraice screaming for me to not fall asleep as I was thrown into a dark cold space.

That was the first chapter in my first book!! I’m so happy that I finally got it up.

I hope you guys liked it, and please comment and give me pointers and advice if you think it might help!



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