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Black's POV

I automatically stop my feet in the mid air when i saw him

I mentally froze and cant even utter a word not before and   waste ?

I ask my self !

I Need to focus and show him that i change

I took a small step forward avoiding to trigger the alarm

Hop in
Step right
Back flip

Step left



by that i am now facing him an inch closer to him

i compose my self and said excause me ?

He just unconditionally move away
He cant even utter a word
I get the mirror and hand it over to blue by throwing it yeah !

Im about to leave when he grab my hand

" please  come with me " He said

I Get my hand back to me

" and what you' ll kill me ? " i ask

" ofcourse not we can figure it out something " he said

" something ? see your not even sure " i reply

" just wait for it " he said

" ive waited to long " i said and leave

But i just saw blue knocked out
And tyler is holding the mirror

" what the ! give it back ! " isaid

tyler just shrugged his shoulder

" assholes ! you trick me ! " isaid and pointed out blood

he smirk and winked at me !
Damn him !
I swear i will wrecked those balls of his !

I was about to attack them both but in slow mo craig slowly step on one of the alarm system my eyes are now wide open and my mouth too he just winked before vanished in the thin air the bell i mean alarm start to ring everywhere !

Damn it !

I mentally cursed and remember the knocked out blue what could tyler do to knocked you out blue ?

I ask my self and smile a litte then carry her like a sack of rice in my shoulder

on the other hand the two is ready for the get away car in the back of this building

But before i could do anything a bunch of guard just caught us red handed oh - no !

I guess i need to start kicking ass now
Isaid to myself and focus on how to escaoe my current situation

They start to attack me those guards they getting to my nerves how could they attack a girl like me with a girl knocked in my shoulder !

i dodged their attacks and start punching and kicking i could do better if im not carry this woman !

The one guard manage to punch me in my face and mentally growl ! he look in my eyes and his brows started to curved i guess he doent read any emotion from me i smirk and and headbang him that sent him to a dream land far away  i smirk

I run in a different room and another one and another

but theirs another bunch of Guards who attacked me as well i run and simply attack them and dodged sometimes but theirs armor thats about to fall from us i quickly kick away those hard enought to make them fly far from the falling armor but unluckly my one feet has been left behind me and catch the falling armor !

Stupid feet !  i murmured

i quickly run again with my broke feet it hurts as hell !

Im about to manage to escape but i heard a steps behind me i slowly turn around and theirs a one guard pointing his gun to my direction and when he was about to shot me i panicked !

I Dont know what to do  with me carrying blue and a broken feet i cant even think well !

Then he click the trigger

Their a blast of wind pass and i slowly open my eyes to see that theirs a craig caged me with his arms facing me

Did he just ?

save me from the gun shot !

" I-i Thought you left " i said thats the first thing that comes to my mind

He smirk and guided me to walk to the exit
Until we reach the parking lot i handed blue to the two and face him again but his gone

he save me twice no ! scratch that he save multiple times !


TBC      😅😅😅😅

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hope you guys enjoy ! keep reading guys keep safe and stay healthy Lovelots 😘😘😘😘😘

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