Dating Robert Pattinson would include

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- Dates at posh restaurants.

- Him being an absolute gentleman.

- Missing him a lot when he's away.

- Him calling you at 3 am because he had no idea it was 3 am in your timezone.

- You telling him that it's absolutely fine when he apologizes for doing so.

- Picking him up at the airport when he comes back and kissing him like there's no tomorrow.

- You wearing one of his shirts almost all the time.

- Having movie marathons. 

- Cuddling on the couch with him while having movie marathons.

- Falling asleep sometimes while cuddling.

-  You staring at him when he's not looking.

- Sometimes when he realizes that you're staring he'll just smirk and wink, making you blush a mad shade of red.

- Calling him Rpats just to tick him off, because you know very well how much he hates that nickname. 

- You telling him to sing a song for you when he's just randomly strumming his guitar.

- Going out for walks with him.

- Long, random make out sessions. 

- Both of you loving each other a lot.

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