A Quest's Reward

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"Never thought I would see this shack again. At least, maybe I hoped I wouldn't." Arc Mage searched around the outside of her old shack. "Sorry to drag you out here, but you were the one that cleared all my belongings out you know. I assume you still have the key?"

Goblin Slayer shook his head. "It would have had no impact on killing goblins."

"Ah! Well I had hoped to see my old home again... but it's so like you to leave a woman feeling disappointed..." Arc Mage began heading the way she came, back towards town. Then a loud crashing sound made her jump. "What was that!?"

Goblin Slayer stood in front of a broken door. "It's open."  

Arc Mage ran to hug Goblin Slayer, "Haha you never fail to amuse me! How can you say something like that with no intent of joking?" She stopped right before, standing in front of the doorway. "Well, that house is useless now."

"I see."

Arc Mage patted her bag, "Surprised it had just been left here all this time. You didn't think to sell it? Surely you could've bought better gear or something useful."

"It didn't occur to me."

"Well you can. Without my books and, well, me in it, the house is useless. I'd hate for such a nice spot of land to go unused."

"Do you not intend to use it again?"

"Probably not. For now lets head back into town, this area is boring me."

The two arrived back into the town. The clear weather had brought many people to the streets as they took care of whatever business they needed to. Kids played in the streets, running around the stalls selling whatever goods you could need. There were many buildings in the area. Housing, commercial, industrial, and whatever a town needed. However to these two, only one mattered. 

The guild was full of adventurers. It was about time for a new round of quests to be put on the board, so they gathered in the tavern waiting for their chance to make more money. When Goblin Slayer entered, several faces turned to watch him and his new partner.

Arc Mage Pulled Goblin Slayer towards the desk. "So are you going to turn in my quest? You did figure out I'm the one that gave it to you right?" 

"I did not. It doesn't concern me who gives the quest, just what the quest is."

"I suppose that could be admirable as a quest taker. But would it not be smart to pay attention to who is sending you off somewhere? If it were a shady figure it could be a misleading quest."

"I see. Like one where a dragon isn't mentioned." 

"yeah, something like that..." Arc Mage smirked at Goblin slayer. "We should go get the reward for the quest."

"It wouldn't be right. If you set it up to lure me in, then there was no threat to the villages. I did not do anything."

"That may be true but I am the one who also set up the reward. What is worth it or not was decided by me as the quest giver, and I chose that a good laugh would be worth it." Arc Mage leaned onto Goblin Slayer, "That is, unless I'm enough of a reward?" Goblin Slayer did not reply. "Ah come on, you really make me doubt my flirting skills sometimes..."

"I still cannot tell if you're joking or not, I do not want to take it seriously if you are." Somebody else, however, did take it seriously. 

"Oh h-hey! Goblin Slayer! Welcome back! H-how did the quest go?" Guild Girl's voice was shaky as she stumbled over to him. Arc Mage distanced herself from Goblin Slayer.

"it was a false call. There were no goblins." 

Guild Girl pointed towards Arc Mage "Ah, well I see you made a friend haha..."

Arc Mage stood in front of Goblin Slayer, "Oh I am just his quest giver, do not worry. Wouldn't want to... get in the way." The last part was whispered so that only Guild Girl could hear it.

Guild Girl was at a loss of words briefly, then uttered out, "W-well if you'd like to wait for another one you can seat yourself! There will be plenty of goblin slaying quests leftover as usual."

Goblin Slayer immediately headed over to take a seat at a nearby bench, but Arc Mage stayed standing. The room was full of many different adventurers. Warriors, monks, mages, but there was one priestess Arc Mage could not find. She worriedly scanned the room before giving up.

Arc Mage took a seat next to Goblin Slayer. "Since last we met you have made a new yellow haired friend. I was hoping I'd get to meet her. Don't tell me you lost her."

"She had to return to her church, some disease broke out."

Arc Mage jumped out of her seat, "And you didn't go with her!?"

"There were no goblins, I did not see a reason."

Arc Mage rested her face on her hands, "Oh lord, I underestimated you..." 

"I was not aware you two had met."

Arc Mage's face bolted up, "Oh right! We hadn't. She was rather young when you and I were having fun. It would seem weird that I would know her." She leaned in close to Goblin Slayer to whisper, "Since last we met I have watched over more than you know..." No answer. Leaning back in the bench she loudly announced, "Well! You still have a chance to not mess things up. After all, I'm here to help." She smiled at Goblin Slayer, and rested her hand on his shoulder.

Good to See You Again - A Goblin Slayer and Arc Mage reunion storyWhere stories live. Discover now