school is being mean >:c

24 11 7

At least one person will listen to what I have to say.

If you're wondering, school is absolutely just


That's what it is.

I'm not over-reacting, school really has been garbage, and I've only been in it for what? Three days? I miss everyone so much. I can't learn like this. It just seems like I'm doing assignments because it's required, not because I'm going to get something out of it. Past me was sitting in my room thinking "I can't wait until school starts again! It may not be in person, but at least I have something to do." Now, i literally want nothing to do with it. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

You know, I don't want to act all depressed and shit. But how can I not? I have a presentation tomorrow, it's not a big deal, but it's the beginning of the school year give me a break-

Sometimes, I wish I could just lie down, curl up into a ball. I wish I didn't have a care in the world, that I didn't have to live up to the expectations of a perfect daughter. A smart, first honor, academic. How long can I keep it up before I break?

I feel like a literal robot these days, running on the same schedule.



Beep boop

I don't want to do all this stuff. My dream is to just take a break from reality, without a care in the world. Have my own little cottage or cabin in a friendly little forest, birdsong pleasantly filling my ears. Lie down on my hammock, reading a book or dozing off peacefully to the natural sounds of the wilderness.

Wow you can really tell that I write just by reading that-

Can things just slow downalfkdkadsfjqfoqjwefijqweoifjqowiefds

Actually, everything else can slow down except for my school hours

It feels like I'm on zoom for an eternity.

And i also feel like everybody has lost all their social abilities lmao

Breakout rooms suck butt as well smh

Like there's one person i can talk to without worrying about what to say

Thank you for that helen if you're reading this

We may not rant to each other but we've got each other's backs all the time

More than some people in our friend group anyway-

Thank you for popping into this pointless chapter

Hope you are having a greater time than me

Have a wonderful day uwu

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