Part 12 - Shoto-kun?

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The room was stunned into silence, Izuku was looking down, kirishima was holding his hand in a comforting way, while the principle Nezu and Mr. Awizawa stares in utter shock. They recognized the name of the missing student almost immediately, once it was said kirishima got a more physical form, realizing he could be seen, he hid behind Izuku in slight fear of what they where going to do.

Izuku held up a protective arm in from of kirishima like they could even hit him. "Ah! Your the missing student case!" Nezu chimes getting up from his chair and coming closer to the teens. Izuku hissed at him on reflex while kirishima tried to get smaller, clinging to Izuku for dear life. (Haha LIFE)

"Now I'm not going to hurt you but I must inquire how you ended up like this, it's quite interesting..." Nezu noted reaching out to touch kirishima's leg lightly, only for his small paw to faze through.

"A quirk perhaps?" Kirishima started to shake as Izuku put his foot in from of kirishima, making Mr. awizawa use his capture weapon. He pulled Izuku away from kirishima, making kirishima's eyes widen with terror.

"LET GO OF ME!" Eraser head pulled harder, feeling kind of bad for separating the two. "Now now I'm not going to hurt him I would just like to see the possibility's of this-" "S-stay back!" Kirishima kicked at Nezu, his leg hardening and sending him backward towards EraserHead to catch.

This allowed Izuku to get out of the captured weapons grasp and go back to kirishima. "Come on let's go!" "W-wait izu-" before anyone could do anything more kirishima and Izuku both fled the room.

Nezu coughed a bit before frowning. "Now how did he do that." Eraser head shook his head in displeasure. "It doesn't matter we need to go after them!" He set Nezu down and followed after, leaving Nezu's amazing mind go to work.

Izuku and kirishima where Hiding in the bathrooms. Izuku slowing going into a panic attack along with kirishima. Both for different reasons. Izuku's being he failed to protect kiri, kirishima's being the fear of getting tested on.

Both of their quiet sobs and head breathing was heard from none other then todoroki shoto. He use to be friends with midoriya but got pushed away like everyone else in Izuku's friend group.

"Hello? Is anyone... midoriya?" Todoroki said in slight panic, seeing Izuku gripping his hair so tight he might just rub it out, his fidgety movements making it seem like he was having some sort of seizure. Todoroki dropped to his knees in from of midoriya and held his shoulders, making Izuku look up in fear.

"Hey, breath with me ok?" "S-shoto?" That small breaking voice told Todoroki that he was listening. "Yes midoriya it's me, now please breath with me. In, 2 , 3 , 4, out 2, 3, 4." Todoroki felt something cold press against his arm, he looked a little left to see a blurry figure, who was also looking the same shape as Izuku.

Soon they both stopped, though Izuku's crying Haden stopped. "Are you alright midoriya?" Izuku paused looking over to his left, to the... blurry person. He soon looked back with a small small smile. "Y-yeah. Thanks shoto." Todoroki let out a sigh of relief. "Oh by the way, I couldn't help but notice the blur next to you. Is that your quirk?" He was refuting to kirishima.

"T-This is kirishima." The figure suddenly became more clear, revealing his messy red and black hair, along with his unruly cloths that seemed old. "Hello kirishima." Todoroki made a small wave motion, kirishima slightly waving back.

"Is it ok if I ask why you are crying?" They both glanced at each other, before sharing an odd look. "S-stressful day?" Kirishima said almost jokingly. "We we're talking with Nezu and... t-things got difficult." Izuku sniffles wiped his eyes of all tears. Todoroki raised an eye brow, but didn't question it. "Do you need some time? I can always offer my-"

Heavy and fast footsteps alerted them all, Izuku and kirishima both starting to panic again. "Hey it's ok, hide in that stall there. I'll handle it." Todoroki said obviously knowing whoever this was probably caused the situation. They both rushed to the stall, making it look like nobody but Todoroki was there, when eraserhead suddenly went in, looking around.

"Todoroki, I'm looking for midoriya do you know where he is?" Todoroki thought back to their reactions. "No, why what's going on?" EraserHead let out a small sigh of frustration.

"They- I mean midoriya ran away after Nezu went to far with something. I think I also made it worse. God what a headache." Todoroki nodded as Eraserhead left soon after. "You can leave now he's gone." Both the boys looked so relived. Their smiles making Todoroki squint his eyes. 'Bright.'

"T-thank you so much shoto-kun!" Midoriya said giving him a small hug, kirishima also joining in, but with cold arms. "Anytime. It seems you'll need to face Mr. awizawa sooner or later though." They both tensed up as they pull back from the hug.


Todoroki fought hard, but the puppy dog eyes won in the end. Todoroki quietly opened the door to his home, quickly scanning the area, before pulling midoriya in along with kirishima. He quickly and quietly made it to his room before shutting the door and sighing in relief. "Since we don't know how long you'll be staying here I will be setting some ground rules." He said in a hushed tone.

"Number one, of my father comes in hide as best as possible and stay silent." They both nodded in acknowledgment.

"Number two, anything you see in this house, stays in this house understand?" Another nod.

"And lastly if you are seen by any of my siblings please explain that I have invited you over for a sleep over and to not tell Endeavor." They both have a confused glance, but nodded anyway.

Shoto let out a sigh before opening the closet. "I have a huge closet so you both can sleep in here. I'm sorry if it's not sufficient but there are tons of extra pillows and blankets for you both to use. Unless you can't?" He questioned as kirishima shrugged in response.

"Thank you again for letting us stay shoto, your the best friend I've ever had! O-other then kiri." Kirishima smiled goofily giving a thumbs up to agree. Shoto felt his heart race at the complement and let a soft smile grace his lips. "Oh course midoriya, you where my first friend. I heard that's what friends do."
I wanted to incorporate Shoto because he such a bby and needs more attention. And no Shoto does not have a crush on midoriya he's just never had a friend before. (CUTEST BISH 🥺)
!Thank you for reading!

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