Latte Art (Extended)

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A/N: Takes place after Benji and Derek's Anniversary Dinner and Victor's visit to Mia's house.)

Setting: Coffee Shop

Benji is showing Victor how to make latte art. Victor wants to make a meatball and isn't paying that much attention. He can tell something is very off with Benji...

But Benji can tell something is very off with Victor. They know each other so well and don't even realize it.

"Benji," Victor asks. "Can I ask you something?"

"I was gonna ask you something as well," Benji responds. "You go first."

"You seem a You told me your anniversary dinner was okay, but was it really?"

Damn it, Benji curses to himself. He wanted to tell Victor since he was so easy to talk to. He also wanted to confess his feelings for him so badly, but it would only make him seem like a hoe. They were both in a relationship and he didn't want to ruin them both.

"I'll tell you about my dinner with Derek," He sighs. "As long as you promise to tell me what happened with Mia right after."

"Deal." Victor shakes hands with Benji for a long time. Both of them look into each others eyes as they almost lean in, but they let go of each others hands.


"Derek was planning on taking me to a concert." I say.

"For your anniversary?" Victor asks.

"No! I didn't really like the idea. It was this concert with these blind girls who do bluegrass covers of TLC."

"I'd rather listen to your music."

I blush for a moment. We sort of awkwardly flirt with each other, Victor and I. I can't even tell if he's really straight sometimes. It's funny.

"Thanks. Anyway, I told him that maybe we could skip the concert and just spend time together for our anniversary."

"Did you?"

"Well...sort of. His response was 'What are we straight people now?'"

"That's so offensive!" Victor shouts.

"Right?! So then I must've had this weird, hurt expression on my face because then he apologized. He doesn't 'believe in that sort of thing'. So then he went on this tangent about 'hetero-"

"'Hetero-normative rom-com bullshit that's dreamt up by corporations to help sell greeting cards to morons'?" Victor "guesses".

I stutter for a moment and then look him in the eye.

"That's... exactly what he said," I spill out. "You're a great guesser, Victor. It's kinda scary."

"Well, with you it's never too hard." He laughs. "You have a weird boyfriend."

"You can say that again." I mutter. "Anyway, I had gotten this greeting card for him and pulled it out sheepishly. He apologized again and backed off. He told me he would head over to the concert and I said I would meet him there. I won't actually go though."

"But did he really mean it, though?" Victor asks.

My throat feels tight and I almost feel like crying. I let out a shaky breath.

"I-I don't know. It just feels like we're falling apart everyday somehow. He's changed my life in so many ways and I don't want this to end."

I close my eyes and lower my head. Tears fall as I feel arms wrap around me. I open my eyes and it's Victor hugging me. It's the greatest feeling. He's so soft and gentle. I stop crying and he lets go.

"Thanks," I say.

"Anything for a friend like you," He smiles.

"So tell me about Mia Brooks. How did it really go?"

He basically tells me that he wasn't ready and that he brought Felix around for support, which upset Mia. Lake blew up at him and then he tried to make things right with Mia, but still wasn't ready. He told her that he wasn't and even though she said that she respected his decision, he could tell she wasn't happy.

"That happened the first time a girl wanted to have sex with me," I say. "The second time was way better."

He starts laughing and that makes me laugh too. He makes me feel better about myself. Things got a lot better when he moved here.

"I'm dead serious though, Victor. You just have to relax. Get deep in your feelings...which I know you're good at," I laugh. "You really got in your feelings at your birthday party when your abuelo caught Derek and I kissing."

"I know I went overboard a little," He chuckles. "But, I mean, people need to get it in their heads that love is love. I really don't give a shit about who kisses who. You could kiss a dog in front of me-"

I lose track of what he's saying. His stupid, gorgeous eyes are putting me in a trance. God damn, Victor.

I break out of my trance.

"Sorry," He laughs. "I got in my feelings a bit."

"Good start," I smile. "You really helped me tonight, Victor."

"You helped me too." 

"Now, do you still wanna learn how to make a latte art meatball?"

"Yeah! Let's do it." ;)


I walk home from Brasstown with my hands full of a leftover plate of spaghetti (Thanks, Benji!) and a latte with a meatball drawing on top. It's not too bad.

I walk inside and hear voices raised. I walk into the living room and Pilar is on her phone, Adrian is watching boxing videos, and my parents are doing what they do best...


I bet that if I just sneak up to my room, none of them will even notice...

"Hi, Victor!" Mom yells.

Shit. Jesus, why?! WHY ME, GOD?!

"How was Mia's house?" Papi asks. Oh great. Like I'm gonna explain that to them. I'd rather be benched in a basketball game again. Or listen to Felix explain the rules of Ca tan for 45 minutes again. Or kiss Benji in a hotel on a work trip...wait. What am I saying?

" was great," I lie. "We had a lot of fun. I love her."

"I'm glad," My mom smiles, which soon turns into a frown. "You two remind me of what your father and I were like in High School."


They go right back to fighting. I look at Pilar and she rolls her eyes.

I set the spaghetti down on the counter, take out my phone, and text her.


V: How long have they been at it like this? 

P: oh not a long time. just on and off for 3 FUCKING HOURS VICTOR

V: jesus...imma head up to my room. its been a long day. :p

P: Same. gn

V: gn

I immediately head up to my room and flop down on my bed. I wonder how long my parents will keep fighting before they stop...or break apart. That makes me think of Benji. He's so thoughtful and he actually listens. He's like Simon.

Dear Simon...

A/N: Welp. That was the first chapter. Let me know if you have any questions or requests in the comments! :D

VenjiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora