A Flat Argument

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While some modern science tells us that the earth is round as a ball , Flat Earth is completely plausible and correct! From ancient China, to Greek philosophy, and more recent, modern science and evidence, we can plainly see the wide spans of a flat plane. To start, is it not true that the camera lenses of satellites and planet rovers are rounded and therefore send back images of a rounded surface or rounded shape of the planets they orbit? Now there are those among the modern scientific community that believe and show images of a rounded planet but we will all explore the complete facts to a flat earth together, so let's see the lay-out of evidence and everyone can decide on a consesus.

Flat Earth beliefs and proof can be traced back to ancient times like early 600's BC. Thales of Miletus is one of the easiest flat-earthers to trace in ancient times. Thales had a "prime principle" that stated "it (the nature of things) is water." The meaning being: to stand, to float, but in constant movement. Thales supposed that earth floated on a free-stand spans of water to keep in constant movement and ever evolve to the earth we know today. Now Aristotle did state difficulty in believing this saying that the very nature from wood and other substances from which Thales garnered his evidence wasn't well-based but we can also find Thales stating that floating islands do indeed exist, on water not air, and therefore earth must also float, Seneca in Lydia at the time and Chemmis north-east of Egypt were the named islands focused on in the argument. The theory also brought about his explanation of earthquakes, being the rough nature of the water our earth plane floats on gives the echo and then quaking we often feel, shoving our islands into movement and splitting.

Ancient Chinese astronomers believed, and taught that the heavenly body got its shape from yang making it rounded and in constant motion, while earth to be equal and opposite garnered shape from yin, and therefore flat. Ancient Egyptians, like Thales, believed earth to be flat, and floating, but supported by Shu, the god of air, and the earth was flat with nu, or nut, the father of the gods, meaning water, with Nut stretching abroad over the sky. Abrahamic belief, along with biblical texts of all kinds sharing the common creation story, stated God separating the waters from the fimament, or dome, and later the waters separating from the higher land showing mountains. Many scriptures, like Genesis and Job, teach of the "four corners of the earth" or the Devil taking Jesus high above to show all the kingdoms of the earth.

Modern flat-earth theorists have popped up more recently in the last century, in light of the space missions from the 1960's and 70's, as well as modern philosophy and astronomy. The flat Earth society has many printed works to support the claim and show eveidence. One, "Collapse of the Globular Theory" adds more compelling facts to this statement with a letter to "Lady Blount" reading: "With regards to the lens used, I may say that this had an equivalent focal length of between 16-17 feet, which ensured an image of appreciable size being obtained.... 

"....I should not like to abandon the globular theory off-hand, but as far as this particular test is concerned, I am prepared to maintain that (unless rays of light will travel in a curved path) these six miles of water present a level surface. Yours faithfully, E. Cliffton." A later quote says, "... by the art of photography, the earth's unglobularity is proved, and this fact coupled Proctor's admission that, 'if with the eye a few inches from the surface of the Beaford Canal, an object close to the water, six miles distant from the observer can be seen, there manifestly would be something wrong in the accepted theory....'"

Which brings me to the earliest point and question to this debate. Is it not true that satellites and rovers send back images from cameras that are distorted from the great distance, for one, and the bend of the lens itself presenting a curvature to the landscape it's capturing, whether the planet it orbits or the land it walks, the end result is the same. The earliest cameras used in the Race to the Moon by the Russians on Sputnik, 1957, was a twin lens reflex stereo camera brought out around 1955 and manufactured by GOMZ. The images themselves were said to be prone to major light leaks and high reflection in the interior of the camera itself which can be a cause of curvature in the 9imagery of the Earth from orbit, in space, thousands of miles above us. The missions in the Apollo series as well as the J-series missions and the Lunar Roving Vehicle, as seen above,  all used a camera called the Maurer 16mm Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) and like with it's earlier missions this camera was set to take footage and images at high speeds, landscape, and distant spaces of objects. After some research and looking into the workings of the camera itself, I have found another model that could be prone to bending the layout of images at certain distances or speeds, especially in extreme conditions like space. 

In July of 1980, President of the Flat-Earth Society, Charles K. Johnson was quoted on a reprint for Science Digest, " The facts are simple, the earth is flat." The article used landscapes seen far from overhead and spanning for over 20 miles and can still be seen as flat, namely the Mojave Desert. He goes on mentioning the Dome of Heaven as taught by the ancients, "Nobody knows anything about the true shape of the world," he contends. "The known, inhabited world is flat. Just as a guess, I'd say that the dome of heaven is about 4,000 miles away, and the stars are about as far as San Francisco is from Boston." He then describes what the earth looks like as a flat plane, being circular in shape and the North Pole at the center and the southern snow caps surrounding the edges of the map. Now this also feeds into the theory of unknown caging borders that no one has crossed, with the southern snow caps thought to be 150 feet in height and the South a wasteland that no one had thought to cross over. With Earth flat, we are now the center of the universe, as in Buddhism teachings, with a 32-mile sized sun and moon. According to Johnson the round-earth theory entire Christian and Jesuit belief systems because the Bible states several times that Jesus ascends up into heaven and if the earth were round the Bible is then by elimination, a "joke." His wife was even a firm believer, to the point of being offended after finding out that not only a lot of people contradict the fact the earth is flat but when they also referred to Australia, her home country, as "down under," which by definition does not happen outside of the globular model myth. He then goes to menti0on the Old Testamental prophet Moses, "Moses was a flat-earther," he reveals. "The Flat Earth Society was founded in 1492 B.C., when Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and gave them the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai," he also stated that Columbus was another flat-earther, in 1492 A.D. which would speak to the symmetry of the time line of the two men. 

All of this evidence, I lay at your feet. Do you believe that the Earth if round still? I say to you now that it is, indeed. The logic and argument set above was simply confirmation and in Johnson's words, "Wherever you find people with a great reservoir of common sense, they don't believe idiotic things such as the earth spinning around the sun. Reasonable, intelligent people have always recognized that the earth is flat." From ancient societies, such as the Greeks, Egyptians and explorer's of the New World, to modern philosophy and science the fact is plain as the nose on your face. In closing, I also invite you to review your own search for evidence and have an open mind to carry it out thoroughly. 

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