[P. PARKER] ── bad luck

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Y/N walked along the dark, cold streets, back to her small house just like she did every single Wednesday night, after visiting her grandparents that always hassled her if she didn't visit.

She walked in the alleyway, the most dreaded part of her journey. She hated the way the dull street lamp couldn't be seen from this side of the building, the absence of light making the chilly alley seem just the slightest bit colder.

She hugged herself tighter every time she passed through this way, gripping the sleeves of her hoodie tightly and quickening her step just the slightest. She didn't look behind her, she always looked straight forward which somehow processed in her mind that she wouldn't be bothered this way by low-life criminals or dirty thieves.

She knew living in Queens that it wasn't exactly the safest and most secure place on the planet, but she felt better knowing their was a newly found hero, Spider-Man, currently on the lookout.

From watching videos of the courageous - new hero, she had picked up on the fact that he not only helped people in danger, but also those simply trying to find their way around the city. Y/N was intrigued by the masked hero, although she constantly wished she'd never have to be one of the unlucky souls to be saved by him, she steered clear of all things dangerous.

As Y/N continued down the small street, consumed by her own thoughts, she almost missed the small, shaky sound of large boots on the concrete behind her.

Her breath hitched in her throat, but her mind pushed away all possible scenarios and concluded in speeding up her step, not looking back. Her breathing picks up, in a manner to cancel the spooky sounds around her. Out of mind, out of sight.

She reached the very end of the alley, where the light resurfaced, dancing on the end of her white sneakers. She let in a huge breath of air, weight lifting off her chest. Blowing the air back out, her hearing returned to normal, and she noticed the quiet, patter of boots she once heard before, had now picked up into a loud, scruff gaining behind her.

Suddenly, a figure stepped directly behind her. His choppy breaths cascading down her neck. She didn't dare move a muscle, only quietly holding her breath in order to somehow make herself invisible, but she wasn't and there was no way to escape at this point.

"Don't make a sound." The larger figure grumbled to her in a low, groggy voice making her assume the terrifying figure was a male.

Rough hands firmly grabbed her upper arms from behind, yanking her back into the dreaded shadows where the thought of all dangerous scenarios that had once been locked out of her mind, now flooded her thoughts.

Y/N yelped as her back was roughly thrown back against the brick, she noticed her lip began to quiver and the breath she had held in was now choppy, and caught in her throat. She was sure her heart was beating so loud you could hear it in Brooklyn.

"Please." Her voice was barely heard over her choppy breaths and his long ones. She trembled in fear, her body locking stiff in terror.

"Shut up." She had heard his groggy voice for the second time, making it even more horrifying than the first.

He took his left hand off her right forearm, tightening the grip of his right hand. His now free hand rummaged through his pocket to pull out a small device. Once he flicked it open, Y/N noticed it to be a knife and at that her heart stopped.

The man placed the blade directly on her throat. "Take out everything you have and hand it over." He barked, but made sure to
keep a quiet and low voice.

Y/N instantly began stuttering, tears clogging up her ability to speak, "I don't have anything. I just came back from my grandparents."

"You're going to give all you have to me, or I'm going to kill you." He whispered roughly, pushing Y/N's scared, and stiff body harder against the brick wall.

The man stared intimidatingly at her, she stared back in complete fear, until a blur rushed behind the man's head.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and within seconds the large criminal was ripped from her and tackled to the ground. Y/N rescuer had knocked the man unconscious quicker than
Y/N ever knew was possible and then came to her aid.

"Are you okay?"

Y/N stood face to face with the one and only, Spiderman. She was in shock, from almost
being killed to standing in front of the amazing hero she admired.

The white eyes of the Spiderman changed from large to small, snapping Y/N out of her trance to answer the hero.

"I'm okay. Thank you so much." She began breathing normally. Spiderman's grip on her forearms calmly loosened at her statement.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" His sweet voice soothed her nerves, and her beautiful features soothes his. He was in awestruck of the beauty of this girl he was fortunate enough to save.

"I was walking back home, like I do every Wednesday, and he just came out of nowhere and threatened me -" Y/N's breath picked up once again as she recited the events of the night.

"Hey - hey it's okay." He soothed and pulled the distressed girl into a hug. She let out a shaky breath into his shoulder as his covered hand ran up and down her back.

"Let me walk you home." He pulled away from the beautiful girl and admired her glossy, Y/E/C eyes.

Y/N nodded and smiled at the hero. She began walking towards her house normally, Spiderman right beside her. He noticed the remaining uneasy breathing and shaky tone of Y/N's voice. He quickly started a conversation, in order to ease the girl's nerves and distract her from the scary events.

"What's your name?" He turned to look at her, catching her glancing down at her shoes.

"Y/N." Her eyes diverted back up to his. She didn't ask the hero his name, obviously aware of the fact that he had a secret identity that he wanted to keep a secret.

"Tell me about yourself." He stated, a smile playing at his lips, though she couldn't see it through the red fabric.

Y/N rummaged through her brain of what to say, and landed on a simple fact, "I love writing."

"That's really cool." Spiderman replied honestly, silently begging Y/N to continue.

Y/N continued talking, and began to give Spiderman a complete rundown of her opinions on everything that crossed her mind. Spiderman listened intently trying not to lose track of the words escaping her beautiful lips. He had only just met the girl, but he loved hearing the passion fire in her voice about her opinions.

The journey came to an end as the two reached Y/N's house. They both secretly wished they could re-lap, and walk around the city to continue their chat.

"Thanks again, Spiderman." Y/N smiled at her hero and mindlessly pulled him in for a hug.

"Anytime, Y/N."

A smile remained on Spiderman's lips as he waited for the girl to get safely inside her home. He wished desperately to see her again as she wished the same.


this imagine was written in 

a previously published spiderman

imagines book I had. I decided

to put it here considering it was 

the only imagine in the book :)

lol, but if you would like more

spiderman imagines – let me know! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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