When Will Comes-A-Callin'

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"Don't die. Don't die. Don't die!" I said, running from the guy. "WAHHCHANG!" I here from Teamspeak, as Will jumps in between the guy and I. He died. I ran away quickly. As I stopped running, I looked at my hunger bars. As the guy was right behind me, I searched frantically in my Hot Bar to find food. None. I had no choice but to pull out my weapon and "GG!" I said. "Well I tried, didn't I?" Will said. "When Will comes-A-callin'." I muttered. "You and Halley! You have the weirdest word choices ever! Speaking of Halley, Is she single? Because I could definitely score a date with her!" Will exclaimed. "No. I mean yes." I tried to explain. "Yes. She's single but she just got cheated on by her boyfriend. I heard her talking earlier. That was her 4th time getting cheated on. I don't trust you with her heart." I said truthfully. "Wow." I left the call. Was MineCon really a good idea?

"Can I meet more of your friends?" Halley begged. "Brayden's on." I suggested. "Cool." She said rushing to her room. She got on TeamSpeak. "Hey Brayden, My sisters getting on. "K" Brayden replied. "Hey guys!" Halley said. "Hey!" Brayden started "I wanna see what you look like!" "Ok. Turn on the video cam thingy on on the count of three. 1.2.3!" Suddenly I heard a gasp. "You... jerk. I can't believe you!" Halley exclaimed angrily. "Halley! Wait I can-" Halley left the call. "What did you do to her?" I growled. Before he could answer, I sprung up, racing to Halley's room. I jiggled the door knob, hoping for it to open, no such luck. I heard sobbing. "Halley?" I called "Go away!" She cried out. "Halley." I said again. "I told you to go away!" She yelled. I followed her instructions, walking back to my computer. To find Brayden still on. But this time joined by Graser. "Hi." I huffed. "Look. I can explain." He took a shaky breath "about Halley." I grunted. "Go ahead!" I said sarcastically. "She used to be my girlfriend. " He paused "Then I moved." He sighed. "So?" I growled. "We agreed on long distance. Then I dropped my phone in the snow. Lost all my contacts. Couldn't get a single one back. Halley never called me back." Before I could respond a scratchy voice said,"I did call you. Everyd-day. You never bothered p-picking u-up." "Look, so we both made mistakes. Maybe we could start over?" Brayden asked. "No. I'm not ready for a relationship yet. Sorry." And with that, she left.
This is kinda a short chapter! Do you like the story so far? It's at 200 reads!!!! :D Till I write again

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